~Chapter One~

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7:00 A.M

Natalie's P.O.V


I slam my hand on the snooze button. I don't want to go to school, it's killing me. It's one detention after the next. But, it's mandatory.
I finally wake up, and head to the bathroom. I brush my hair and throw it into a bun. I then pull on some grey sweat pants, a red shirt, and a black sweater.
I start to walk to school. Yesterday the teacher told us there would be some new students. Just more people to be annoyed at.
As I get to school, I walk over to my group of friends
"And there I was, barbecue sauce on my-" I start to hear one of my friends, Gwen, say.
"Oh hey Natalie." Gwen said
"Hey" I replied
"Well the weathers nice" I hear Gwen say,
It's pouring outside and a trash can just got thrown across the grass by the wind
"Beautiful" I say.
The bell rings for second period
Ugh. Time for second period. Today was extra horrid because it's raining and that means everyone crammed under the roof going to their next class. As I squeeze through people, I take a seat on a bench to check how the rest of today's weather is going to be
I open the weather app
Mr. Shovelass yells at me,
"Oh um no sir I don't know what that mea-"


I start the walk of shame up to the office. My parents will be so mad at me.  I decide to just sit down in the office and try and focus on the good things. I had a good breakfast of rotisserie chicken....I texted my friends and none of them answered, I guess that's bad though...the weather is "nice"....I get a break from second period...there's a girl eating a tomato over there... there's a green guy over there...


There's a green guy over there?

A green guy?!?!
I look closer at the tall muscly man next to me. He has on a white blouse with a leather brown vest over it paired with some brown pants and....no shoes. Am I staring at him because he's green or because...no.
Absolutely not
I continue to stare at him, trying to figure out who he is. Is he one of the new kids? I can't tell if I've been staring at hi-
"Hello?" He suddenly says
"U-uh, hi." I say back
He gives me a weird look
"I'm N-Natalie" I reach out my hand for shake. He then reaches his hand out and upon seeing it I immediately regret that decision and turn my hand into a fist and he does the same and I turn it back into a normal hand and then he grazes my wrist with his arm.

That was cool too I guess.

"I'm Shrek" he says back
Sounds like a French cuisine. La Shrek? La shouke?

"Miss Flores?" The secretary says,
"Oh, sorry that's me! See you later La Shouk- I mean Shrek"

10:42 A.M
The bell for break rings

Finally it's time for break! Now I can have some delectable foods. I walk over to the food line and get in. I come out with a breakfast bar. I then walk over to where me and my friends usually sit. As I sit down, I notice a familiar face.
good evening.
I stare at him. He reaches into his his backpack and I see him pour some powder onto the table in a straight line.

Oh McNuggets

I then see him grab a straw.
Uh oh. Please don't
He then wipes all of the powder off the table and eats the straw.
Well then.

12:56 P.M
The bell rings for lunch
Finally it's time for lunch! Time to scam the lunch ladies for more foods. I walk over to the lunch area and wait in line for a burrito. As I wait in line I look over to see Shrek at the lunch table with some home packed food. He then takes an onion out. He looks at it carefully. He shrugs and throws it away. He then looks at the trash can with regret for a while until he finally decides to grab it back out and eats it layer by layer.

"Hey can I cut?" A guy behind me asks,
I turn around.
"What?" I say
"I said, can I cut?"
He then scoffs and pushes me
"daddy.." he murmurs under his breath "A**hole" I say back
"What'd you say?" He asks
"You heard me" I say
"Oh wow you're sooo tough." he says back,
"Tougher than you apparently because you can't even bear to wait in line for five seconds!" I yell back at him, getting frustrated
"We'll see about that" he replies,
Before I know it, I'm being shoved to the floor. My heart starts to race as I realize what had just happened.
Fine then
If you want a fight, so be it
I get up , pull back my fist, and punch as hard as my arm can go

It does absolutely nothing.

Then, just as he's about to go for a knocking blow to my stomach, I see him fall to the floor
I look up from him to see what had happened
It's Shrek.
He takes a bite of his onion
"He doesn't belong in my swamp." Shrek says.

Now that was hot

1:30 P.M
The bell for fifth period rings

As I'm heading to class I can't help but smell something familiar.
Is it someone with too much perfume?
Maybe someone with the scent of makeup drenched all over them?
Perhaps someone with the freshest scent of leather Gucci handbag?

It's all of those scents

And worse

It's the smell of The Farquad Squad.

About 1,045 words! Thank you for making it to the end!! Sorry the beginning was so boring, but there should hopefully be more action from now on. Until then, look out.
The Farquad Squad is coming.

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