~Chapter Two~

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Hey guys so important announcements! My story is now #6 on #onion!!! Sorry it's been a while, I've decided that I wasn't happy with the storyline of my last chapter, so I decided I would take into a new direction!! Yes, the title and picture will change! But don't worry, Shrek is still in here. And some new characters that are coming might sound familiar, so keep an eye out for them!! Leave any easter eggs you find in the comments!! OK, enough of me rambling. Enjoy Chapter Two!!

I knew that scent was familiar. No one else at this school could possibly smell like that except for the Farquaad Squad. The most makeup drenched of the bunch, however, was Duloc Farquaad. Duloc has only been at this school for a few weeks, but has already made a huge footprint on this school. Half of the school is under her control, I mean, she's popular after all. Her closest associates, "The Farquaad Squad", are completely under her control. 

The smartest of them is Chris Miller. But we don't call him that. Here, we call him Magic Mirror. He's the one who reports back to Duloc about everyone, from crushes, to haters, to anyone who even says the name "Farquaad". He's exactly like The Evil Queen's Magic Mirror, he tells Duloc who she should worry about. Hence the name, Magic Mirror

Then, we have Thelonious Knight. He's what you'd call the bodyguard. He once fought five people in one day. If anyone is caught talking bad about Duloc, Thelonious is immediately sent after them. The thing is, he's never been suspended. Duloc is able to control everyone, and she couldn't possibly risk Thelonious being suspended when someone tries to fight her. 

As you can probably tell by now, the Farquaad Squad isn't someone I'd want to have to deal with. As I walk towards my next class, I can see the Duloc right in the corner of my eye. My heart is racing as I walk closer and closer to them. I can see their cross-armed, hip-holding silhouettes start to come into view. I try my best not to make any reaction  towards them. As I feel Magic's gaze hit hard into me, I realize any wrong move and I'm dead. Any roll of the eye, any scoff, has me in the ground. I start to hold my breath as I walk past them. And then, I don't see them. I made it.

I walk into my fifth period class. I sigh in relief. I never want to come that close to them again. I then look up to see him. Is that? No, it can't be. It's Shrek! I must not have noticed him yesterday. I catch myself staring at him and quickly stop. Hopefully he didn't see that. I sit in class and do my normal work. Today it's a worksheet. Worksheets are okay, I guess. Then, the bell finally rings for sixth period. I start to notice Shrek getting up from his seat, but I quickly turn my head. 

The bell finally rings for school to end. Today was very stressful. I didn't want to fall for Shrek. This resulted in me constantly looking away from Shrek, blocking out anyone who mentioned his name. I also had a mile in P.E, I had a test, the lunch line was long, The Farquaad Squad was always near me, so I was constantly having to avoid them-wait. That's not normal. I never have to avoid them. I quickly look around campus and see them. The Farquaad Squad is looking directly at me. I hold my breath. I'm so dead. 

I walk as fast as I can to the gate. Maybe they weren't looking at me, maybe there was someone behind me. Whatever it was, I'm not taking any chances. I walk faster and faster towards the gate. I'm almost there..come on....


I fall onto the floor. You have to be kidding me. I look up and my face drops as I see who it is. 

It's Shrek

As if this day couldn't get any worse. I quickly stand up and look around. I have to make sure the Farquaad Squad did not see me running or I'm dead meat. I look more frantically. I have to get out of here. "Hey hey are you okay??" Says Shrek, "Yeah yeah I'm fine I'm just- I have to go" I reply back, anxiety crawling up my throat, "No you're not fine, something's wrong-" He says. He then starts to look around and locks eyes with someone. It's the Farquaad Squad. I have to go "Are they, are they bothering you?" Shrek says, "No, I just-well you see I-it's nothing-I just um-well," I say frantically, "Listen to me. If they try and talk to you, walk away, ok? Do not let them control you." He says, his serious face bothering me. "O-Okay, um, why?-" 

"Just don't! Okay? Now go walk home before they get here"  He says. Before I could say anything back, I realize the Farquaad Squad is only a couple feet away from me. I turn around, and walk as fast as I can. That was odd. Shrek just got here a day ago, he shouldn't know anything about the Farquaad Squad. I didn't even hear about until last week. Something was definitely not right here. I hurry home, and lie on my bed. Something is fishy here. And I can't just let it go. Shrek told me to not let them get me under their control. Why was that such a serious statement? Their just Juniors like me. They're not some ultimate mind-controlling crime boss. So what was the big deal? I don't know. But tomorrow, I'm keeping my ears open.

Sorry this chapter is kind of short!! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! The story might seem a little slow and unknown but I had to get in some background so you guys will understand what the next chapters are!! Thank you all for reading this chapter!! New chapter will be up soon!

Until then, what is going on with the Farquaad Squad and who are they? But most importantly, what does Shrek know??

//1,029 Words!!!//

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