Chapter Four

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Elias just stared at me a minute before sighing and running his hands through his hair.

"This is not where or when I wanted to have this conversation. Since we're in a room full of vampires I may have sometime before this gets back to the covens"

After saying the last part he looks around the ballroom at the people staring before looking back into my eyes that are slowly filling with fear.
I feel Phoenix move closer to me as if he senses this.
Scared or not, I see the Angel standing near the front of the crowd now looking at the scene with undisguised interest so I shoot Phoenix one more glare before looking back at my brother.

"Daisy.. I had to hide you away from our psychotic grandmother.
You were never supposed to be born, let alone allowed to live.
Our mother was gone for quite sometime and when I turned sixteen, she came back with a swollen belly and a story she would never get a chance to tell.

Our grandmother never gave her the chance to when she saw that she was obviously pregnant, so she locked her away from the rest of the coven and made her carry you to full term so you could be slaughtered and her precious daughter would come back like nothing happened.

You see, my father was a very powerful warlock and he and my mother had a loveless union and she had run away when I was only seven.
No one has any idea who your father is and my grandmother couldn't risk the covens or her daughters reputation.

My father didn't even know our mother was back until it was too late Daisy.
You were born around three in the morning and mother had very serious complications and she gave her life to bring you into the world.
When she went into labor only myself and one maid was there to help her through it.

Her last breath was given to tell you that she loved you and to me she begged for your life.
I took you before her body was even cold and we went away to find a place you would be safe.
I'm the one who gave you your name.. she never even got the chance to name you."

Elias is close to tears and his voice is breaking with emotion so he has to stop to close his eyes and take a breath before continuing.

"I took you through the portal and as soon as we came through we landed in the garden of the perfect place.
An orphanage in the human world.
Before I could I even take you to the doors I wanted to stop you from crying since you'd been screaming since you left our mothers arms.

So I laid you down right in the middle of a patch of daises since I thought it was me causing you such distress.

As soon as your little body was cradled by all the flowers, you stopped crying and unclenched your tiny fists to move your fingers over the petals.
I knew I couldn't give you up without a name so I thought of the only one that came into my head; Daisy.

I had to leave you there for your own protection, and I didn't want anyone to know we were related in case someone was following me or tracking where I went when I visited.
For all anyone knew, you were just a small baby I took an interest in at an orphanage.
I'm so sorry, I didn't know what else to do.."

He finished before his voice became too thick with emotion.

I had temporarily forgot we were in a ballroom filled with people until Phoenix clears his throat and On cue the music starts again and everyone kind of shakes what they just heard off and begin to dance again.
It was like my life story was nothing more than an event on the night of the ball.

Elias holds out his hand to me and I ignore it to walk back out the way I'd come.
Being as stupid as I've been acting, I had the nerve to be surprised that Elias and Phoenix follow right behind me.

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