Chapter Six

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         Breakfast has never looked as amazing as it has to me before today.
There was every food you could possibly think of surrounding the table.
It made my mouth water and at first I didn't even think about the fact that no one was eating except Elias until I got some food into my system.

           Phoenix grabs a plate and literally piles in high with as much as he can touch before grabbing me with his free hand and pulling me into his lap without really saying anything to anyone.
As soon as I'm sitting and he nuzzles his face into my neck is when people start to carefully walk over.
It was like they're scared to make themselves known at this point.

"Your highness?.."

      A man spoke and I just eat my bacon while giving him a shy look because I feel like I'm on display.
Phoenix sighs kind of loudly before moving his head away from me enough to look at whomever is speaking.

"Yes? As I said earlier, I would be greeting everyone once my mate was finished eating and I could address the growing confusion. So what is it that you need to ask me that can't wait until then, Maximus?"

          The man that I could only assume is Maximus was looking very nervous and looked like he was grasping for straws. So I felt my pity for him start to seep last my hunger.

"Phoenix.. what confusion? I want to hear about it now."

I placed the ever so scrumptious bacon down to angle my body so I can glance behind me.

          Phoenix is staring at me with a questioning glance and sighs before picking up an apple.

"Eat some more, Flower. As soon as you're finished I'll talk to everyone."

He holds the apple out to me and I take it only because I am very hungry still and he's being reasonable so I won't push it.
After I scarf down some more food I move to stand up and I feel arms tighten around me.

"Ready, my love?"

         I nod and move to get up again and then the wind is knocked out of my lungs a minute and we're in the room that I recognize as the ballroom from last night.
The mesmerizing decorations from last night are gone but it's still such a grand room.

       I want to ask how the hell we got in here but I see people flashing in and it gets pretty crowded.
I know they heard the dramatic story last night but I'm not gonna give away how clueless I am about everything willingly.
Once it looked like everyone was here since no one was appearing and Elias had been the last to come in.
Phoenix clears his throat.

"This beautiful woman on my lap is my mate. All of you have been made aware of this and I'm sure have some questions. I'll do my best to answer them and to put your minds at ease before you leave to go back to your homes."

It was as silent as the calm before the storm happens.

"My betrothal to Addison will be null soon enough. As those of you with mates know.. I can't be without mine now that I have her.
Some of you obviously figured out that Daisy is a witch."

With that statement there's quiet murmurs and a feeling of slight unease spreads throughout the crowd.

"We have never had a queen that wasn't a Vampire and with Daisy being a witch that may seem weird.
I myself am still in shock but if the Fates made her my mate then there is a divine ulterior reason that we will figure out in time."

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