Something's Not Right With Her

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(No Set POV)

She was nowhere within her own temple. That worried him greatly. 

"Lady Palutena's gotta be around here somewhere..." the young angel muttered to himself. It wasn't like Lady Palutena to just disappear and him not know where to: thanks to telepathy they always kept tabs on each other.

He had circled the entryway one last time before recognizing a spot of green in the coner of his eye. 

"What is she doing out there...?" The young angel slightly raised his voice.

Curiosity got the better of him. It struck him that something was up. Without thinking twice, he headed outside.

* * *

The sun was setting. The young angel had always felt a sense of triumph during a sunset, but that feeling wasn't coming. He had matters to deal with.

"...Lady Palutena?" His volume kept low.

She didn't even acknowledge his presence.

She did notice, however, that he had wrapped his wing across her back: in return she placed an arm on him and pulled her close.

"This isn't at all like you, Lady Palutena," he sighed, "something is bothering you."

The green-haired goddess glanced in his direction-her eyes almost looked red.

"I've never kept secrets from you! Why should you keep anything from me?"

Both of them were silent.

"...tell me.."

Palutena repositioned herself so Pit could sit on her lap, which he did.

"Do you remember being the lone survivor of Medusa's attack?" Her volume was low, as well.

Pit nodded.

"Do you know there were other captians of my guard before you?"

"O-of course..." That question almost seemed silly.

" you remember her?"

Pit's wings lowered ever so slightly-his sign of confusion.

"I remember a lot of 'hers'..."

Lady Palutena broke down crying.

"Oh. Right. You were too young to remember anything..."

She mildly shoved Pit off her lap and darted back inside, hands buried in her face. 

It didn't take long for Pit to follow her.

"L-Lady Palutena! Wait!" 

The Tale From the Goddess: Remember Her AngelWhere stories live. Discover now