Tale of Tass: Bound-to-be

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Needless to say, those two really hit it off. I felt proud in a way, knowing one of my angels was leading a life outside of Skyworld. Maxwell seemed very interested in telling me odd stories from his work.

* * *

It had been about two years since they hooked up. Tass spent most of her days at town square's fountain waiting for her mate to find free time. She grew fond over watching smaller humans run around this spot and marvelling over her appearance.

Just because you've seen an angel doesn't necessarily mean you've kicked the bucket.

Maxwell's days ended with a "Missed you, Maxie"~ from his winged mate. Her black-tipped wings stood out more prominent in the low light, and he always made sure she knew.

Like a white paintbrush ever so slightly dipped in black ink.

* * *

Maxwell had a day off, so he found more time to spend with his mate. When he came to town sqaure, he noticed her flying lowley and putting on quite a show for a small group of kids.

 "Kids like you, huh?" Maxwell raised his volume enough to be audible for her to hear him. She gave a thumbs up in response.

An odd sensation sparked inside of Maxwell. He wasn't sure what it was, but he had to find out later.

Little did they know that sensation would forever change their lives. And I gotta say, it changed mine, too.

* * *

"Y'know, Tass..." Maxwell began as his mate gazed up at night's sky, "if you like the kids so much, we could have one ourselves-if you're up for it, I mean. You can say no if you want, I'm just saying stuff."

Their eyes met each other, each wearing a different expression. Maxwell looked away in got into deep thought.

"Wait. Can an angel even-"

"Maxie! Don't stress yourself over it!" Tass interrupted, "I guess if you want our own kid, then I guess we can!"

Max just seemed dumbfounded.

"And yes, angels can...'breed' if that's what your asking. There's actually a couple of gods that do nothing but breed their angels. It's like they're licensed or something." 

"Have any of your kind...'bred' with humans?"

"None that I know of."

Both of them blushed hard, pretty muxh up to their ears.

"And you're sure you would want to?"


They were certainly busy that night. I think she accidentally called out to me a few times, because I heard some of that "work."

* fast foward a few months later *

The green-haired goddess stood rather impatiently near the "angel landing pad," as some called it. As she was about to leave, out of clouds popped an exhausted Tass.

"You're late," the goddess remarked.

"Sorry, Lady Palutena!" Tass moped, "Lately it's been kind of hard to keep myself up in the air..." she plopped down in a sprawled sit and began preening. 

"Wait," Lady Palutena interrupted her angel's cat-bath, "you've done that quite a lot. You're acting real weird. Is something wrong?"

"No...?" Tass's wings slowly spread out, exposing a small-yet definite-bump on her belly. Once she'd realised what happened, her face glew rosy.

"Oh my goodness..." Lady Palutena kneeled down and examined the angel, "a-are you pregnant?"

"...yes?" Tass's gaze darted down, "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I've just spent a lot of time in the Overworld and never really got the chance to talk you...you're not mad, are you?"

"Far from it!" The goddess now sounded ecstatic, "you're out there leading your own life among humans-something only few angels could ever do without rebellion!"

Tass got herself up and took on a sheepish stance.

"That little something growing inside you is a really big deal."

"So I've heard," Tass indirectly replied.

Suddenly, the green-haired goddess got on a confronting stance.

"You obviously cannot fly well with that bump, so I'm putting you off-duty for a while."

"B-but Lady Palutena! I'm your champion! You can't afford one day off guard in that rank!"

"I know," the goddess backed away and sighed, "but this is the first time I've ever had someone in my flock breed, and I'm not taking any chances. Gotta up my game on Centurion guards-"

"Lady Palutena?" Tass meekly interrupted.


"Will you at least let Maxie stay here? I've heard that quite a few men miss out on their kid's life, and I don't want him to be like that."

Lady Palutena kneeled down again.

"Only the best for my lil expectant."

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