Grief of a Goddess

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Despite Medusa having weakened me, I escaped from her demon's clutch.

The rest of my day was spent searching for you and your mother...but...



But what, Lady Palutena?!

but in actuality...I was searching for your mother's body...!

"Tass? Pid?" Lady Palutena called out like a desperate mother that hadn't seen her child in days. The scenic Overworld she once knew looked like a barren wasteland. Hopefully the humans were okay...

"Tass?! Pi-"

Her speech halted when she nearly tripped. When her gaze darted downward, she fell to her knees upon seeing was she'd nearly tripped on: 

A wingless, blood-stained, ant-infested corpse.

"M-my sweet angel..." the goddess nearly choked on her words.

She could not take her eyes off the bloodied stumps that once housed wings: the bones were obviously broken by force. Only a scarce about of feathers were left behind. Denial quickly turned to anger once her head shot up at the sky and screamed at the heavens from the top of her lungs:


Her face buried itself in the corpse's back as the hot tears came. Muffled pleas followed not long after:

"Why her? Why not Medusa?  Medusa...I swear on my life that I will end yours!"

All seemed lost until The gentlest touch met Palutena's fingers. She lifted her head up, immediately gaining hope once she saw who it was.

"'re alive..!"

To this day, I am still grateful to find out you survived!

Palutena immediately picked up the cherub and hugged him: she didn't care he was drenched in his mother's blood. What mattered is that he was still here.

However, it was odd that he cried out slightly when she gently squeezed him. Upon closer examination, he was holding one of wings and cringing ever so slightly. The goddess then sensed a malicious aura radiating from him.


"Did she hurt you?" Palutena asked. Pid nodded. 

"Well," Palutena cautiously scanned her surroundings, "I'm not seeing or sensing that witch anywhere," she carefully brought Pid to her chest, "But if she ever comes back, Mama Palutena's gonna make sure she leaves and never returns. I promise."

The moment she turned around, Pid started grunting and squirming, trying to break free.

"No, no," Palutena's voice nearly broke," Momma Tass is long gone...but I'll take care of you," a heavy sigh followed, "I'm sure it's what she would've wanted."

*End of Backstory*

"I really didn't know too much about children," Paultena slowly smiled, "but it certainly was an adventure raising you into my little champion."  She gave her champion a small kiss on his forehead.

"I don't get it, Lady Palutena," Pit hadn't talked in quite some time, "If it's Medusa's fault I can't fly, why can't you do anything about it? You should be able to lift curses, right?"

"Unfortunately, I can't. When Medusa descended into insanity, she always made sure her powers exceeded mine. Assisting you is the most I can do."

The young angel sulked, and a somewhat familiar pain came to him.

 "Close your eyes," Palutena softly commanded, and Pit followed. His hands were opened and an object barely weighing anything was placed in them. When he reopened his eyes, in his hands was a white feather with a black tip.

"Mom's feather..." he muttered, "I don't understand, Lady Palutena. Clearly you remember my mom better than I do, so why are you giving me-"

"Hush, Pit. The mere thought of a child not knowing his own mother is quite a depressing one."

He stared long and hard at the feather.

"Come. There's a place a want to show you."

* * *

The Overworld at night always seemed to bring an unsettling feeling towards Pit. Like he always knew there was something hiding in darkness waiting to kill him, but Lady Palutena by his side managed to ease him, especially since she had the ability to illuminate herself.

They stopped on a small parch of flowers.

"Your mother had a proper burial," Lady Palutena sighed, "but ever since she died I've found myself mourning her in the spot where I found her body."

Pit studied the array of white roses, blue cosmoes and orange mums.

"One day I met a human who I assumed was a garderner, because after a while he kept bringing me these flowers, and he planted them once I asked. I remember him mentioning he saw me grieve and wanted to do the least he could."

"Assumed?" The young angel cocked his head, not taking his gaze off the patch and the feather.

"He'd only bought those flowers for himself because he had been through something similar: he'd lost everyone he loved and just so happened to spot me. I haven't seen him since."

"Humans really are...something."

"Let's head back to Skyworld. It's real late."

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