Tale of Tass: Meeting Maxwell

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Tass stretched out her wings. The black spots that started at her primary and secondary feathers were clearly visible.

Not many angels had patterned feathers, so she liked to show hers off. Especially to the humans.

She'd never really noticed how drab Overworld was compared to Skyworld; even the marketplace was rather uninteresting. 

But she knew she had eyes for someone that stood out.

* * * 






Must be an ordinary day for ordinary humans, huh?

"I'll know this guy when I see him..." Tass muttered repeatedly. It felt like she had been walking around in a circle for at least an hour.






That's him!

 She did not hesitate to dash in that direction.

* * *

"May I help you? We ha-"

The merchant stopped mid-sentence when he took in Tass's presence.

"Look. I'm not in the mood to be haggled with, so-"

"I'm not here to mess with you!" Tass immediately went red-faced.

"Are you oka-"

"I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Her wings shot out on that last word. The merchant marveled at them: they were pure white but looked ever so slightly dipped in black ink. 

"Crap! I said too much-"

"No," the merchant interrupted, "plently of humans have been lovestruck by angels, but I think you're the only case of the other way around... plus, I've never seen your kind up close," he slowly caressed Tass's wings, "...do all angels have patterns on their wings...?"

"Certainly not where I come from..." Tass still glowed a shade of tomato. She wrapped her free wing around the merchant, and soon both their faces were completely flushed.

Gosh, am I really doing this? the merchant thought to himself, pull yourself together, Maxie!

"...we never properly introduced ourselves!" Tass's speech was hurried, "I am Tass, servant to the wise goddess of light!"

"And I am Maxwell, servant to the market!" Max jokingly replied, even mimicing Tass's movement.

The lovestruck angel led the human away from the town square.

"WHERE ARE TAKING ME?" Maxwell yelled, "I HAVE WORK!"

"Where's your free spirit?" Tass remarked, "besides, dont'cha wanna see Skyworld amd meet the goddess of light?!"

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