1 | Me, Myself and I

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Ladies and gentleman! Presenting to you.....

Eh, not looking for a grand introduction....

Assalamualaikum./ Hi! I'm Jasia. And I am a Muslim. My bday is on the 10th of February. Was born on 2003.

I'm from South Asia (Thats all imma say for now, cuz when telling where I am from, I got judged by a few people from here. Someday I might say where I'm from.)
So anyways, I'm in Doha, Qatar for two years now.

So what type of person am I ?

Uhmmm....well? How do I sum it up?

I'm supposedly the most open minded person in my family, who tries to see things mostly with logic or sometimes by heart.

I have slight temper problems that respectively comes from my dad. But thank goodness my anger quality is not as impulsive or illogical like him.
But it used to be. Thinking about some of my past angry fits, they were so childish *shudders*. But I have grown from that silliness now.

But my words still can sting or tick anyone out. My mouth gets smart sometimes you see?
Sometimes I want to say what is supposed to be said, even though people might not like it or even when I get into trouble. I mostly cannot handle people's dumbness, carelessness or any sort of bullocks.

I like reading books and doing anything related to books. Like, way too much for my own good. I'm active on Wattpad almost everyday, which is most of the time.
Fictional books and their worlds are my first stop when I want to fly away from reality, which I like doing most of the time.
Even in my school, if any teacher blabbers about unnecessary stuffs or gives a pause in the lesson, my book will be under my table. My eyes will be on the book.
I am mostly a Fantasy/romance/Teen-fic/Chicklit or sometimes, Mystery-thriller person.

I can be funny even though I don't want to be funny sometimes. And when I start to laugh, I can't stop myself sometimes. My laugh is loud and people comment it to sound like something evil, witch-like, funny or contagious.

I love anything related to art. I draw/paint myself ; I'm  into modest fashion and fashion in general. I can sing too and have a pretty good singing voice. (Yes, I know it .)

My emojis are mostly these 😑 😒😏🙄😅😂🤣😤😡🤔 🤨😉

I am a good student too. Top in my class. But honestly, I just hate studying! I don't even have a particularly favourite subject! I don't wanna be teachers' pet!

So basically I dunno what I want to become in the future. A doctor sounds like a nice plan. But I'm not that brilliant!
I'd like to become an author or a painter or a fashion designer. But I'm too scared to pursue these professions since people don't always have luck in these. And I don't want to waste all these years of my studying if nothing comes out of it. Plus, my parents and grand parents have big expectations out of me (also my sis); so I'm too afraid to let them down. Call me a coward, since I'm afraid to pursue my true dreams. But can you blame me?

My biggest fear I think would be : afraid of letting someone down. Or : afraid that I might not be enough for someone. Or : I wouldn't be brave enough to do something.

I'm kinda unsocial. I am hesitant to approach. So usually people are the ones to approach me first. And then if I get comfy with 'em, I'm the most friendliest person on the planet.

As said by my friends, I'm really good at giving advice and am a kind person.

I'm both introvert and an extrovert. But mostly introvert, ig. Kinda lazy lol.

I'm a cat person. I don't even know why I like those selfish creatures!

My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor. But I think I am Gryffindor/Slytherin/Ravenclaw. *Whispers*: I think I have more Slytherin/Ravenclaw in me than Gryffindor. (Dang! But that's my favourite house!)

My Ilvermorny house is Pukwudgie.

My patronus is a Calico Cat

My wand is a Vinewood wand with unicorn hair core, 13 and a half inch with a slightly yielding flexibility.

And I'm also a Dauntless.

Phew! Was that a proper intro? So basically I'm a confused, nerd-ish, artsy, funny-ish , friendly-ish, kind and slightly hot headed person?

Weird facts about me:

-I don't have particular favourites for almost anything.
-I (also my twin sis) as said by my fam, don't look like anybody in the family, almost as if I am not related to them. (I am sure they are exaggerating.)
-I love mint. So sometimes I eat the toothpaste.
-My right eye is slightly smaller than the left one, due to the stitch I  had to get for an injury on my eyebrow. It's not that noticeable and can only be spotted if seen carefully.
-I have crooked teeth but I still get compliments for it. And I ain't planning to put those metal monsters on ma teeth!

Tell me something about you!

PS. Yes, that's my back to you in the pic...

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