3 | Why we Muslim Girls wear modest clothes with hijab and the science behind it

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I'll speak my mind in this chapter , so those who can't take that, I suggest you to not read this please!

I'll speak my mind in this chapter , so those who can't take that, I suggest you to not read this please!

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No hateful comments! Read EVERY SINGLE THING FIRST. Then give your opinions!

Muslim clothing for dummies {Yes and no's of modest clothing and the simple science behind it} :

So, why do girls have to clothe modestly? How to wear clothes most modestly?

Girls who are not Muslims often say, I can wear whatever the hell I want. It's my wish.
Of course it is. I can't change that. But they also say, Muslim clothing is unnecessary. Why wear so many layers of unnecessary clothing? Darling, have you thought of the consequences of not wearing modest clothes? I know these consequences don't happen often in some countries. But these consequences do take place in other countries.

Islam is a religion about all things and everyone in general. The religion is full proof and reasonable. And thus it is about not taking those dangerous chances when we don't wear our clothes modestly. So we girls have to wear our armors outside.

Man, this is gonna be a long conversation!

So basically not all but most of the guys are perverts. (Boys, calm the heck down! You know that's true). They have...amazing sense of imagination. We girls do too. But, there's a reason why we, the girls should wear more layers of clothing and not the guys. But yes, there is a way in Islam how a guy should wear clothes modestly too. For ex, wearing their pants that don't cling to their two specific body parts and not roaming around shirtless just because they don't have boobs.

Ok so, most of the girls have more...how to put this?....noticeable body parts. Guys don't. That's how female race are naturally created. And by noticeable body parts I think you know what I mean. These body parts, as we all know, attracts the guys like bees getting attracted to flowers. It turns them on.These in turn can cause the men to do horrible and heinous crimes. You know what I am talking about. And mostly men act on their feelings, not all women do.

Now the feminazis will yell at me, You are a female! You are taking men's side over here?!

Sistah, I ain't taking no one's side here. Listen to me first now will you?!

So, lower the rate of attraction. Don't wear vat of perfume so that it turn heads and catches more attention. Same applies for guys, they do it too much! Iv'e noticed boys over here doing it a lot that you can't even stay in their five mile radius!

But moreover, for girls, wear clothes that cover you properly as Islam says. And by proper clothing it doesn't necessarily mean a layer of clothing clinging over your skin. Like this:

 Like this:

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