4 | Problems of having a twin

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Another woe-is-me moment! Lol, why am I updating a rant book fast? I'm having fun letting the words out! Yikes, I hope I don't let my secrets out!

Problems of having a twin? Is that even a trouble?

Yes it is, and I'll tell you HOW.

So, basically, having a twin puts a label on your head.

I never wanted to be the so called 'elder child' . It feels like this heavy title that weighs me by a slight.

Only because I was taken out of my mom's womb first, as I said, I became the elder child. And the difference is just a frigging minute!

Even though I know people know that we're twins, I just have a feeling they expect me to to do a little better than my twin in everything just because I am the eldest.

I mean, I don't have to be a little better than my twin at everything, right? .

And sometimes when I don't do good in a thing, even by a little, my parents would be like...

WHY, didn't you do good LIKE your twin?

I mean....do I even need to explain this...?

And it's even more weird when you have a parent who wants you to wear everything THE SAME! I'm tired of this the most! I'm not five anymore MA!

People just keep staring at us like frigging show pieces! Ugh! It's so awkward!

Us : When we move out, we'll be wearing things as we like.

And mom, she doesn't even joke! She's like - *slit-eye serious mode* : we'll see.

Like, are you for REAL!? We fight over a stuff, as simple as THIS!

She's like:  I Like it.

And we are like : People stare at us like creeps!

Mom: You guys look cute. Besides, it's good being stared at. I am okay being stared at. I like it....


And you know, people just approach at us and ask (this same question has been asked throughout the 16years of our lives) : Are you guys twins?

Look , I appreciate (not) this curiosity, but dude/duddette....


Like, of course we are twins. We look the same (though not exactly) and we are wearing the same mirror image clothes. What does that tell you?

And more funny labels from my so called friends...

Yes, I'm personally a bit hot-headed person. But MOST of my so called friends cannot even  give you the talks of ONE single incident where I gave them THE ATTITUDE.

They r like, your sis is nice and the polite one. And you're like the rude and the sarcastic one.

*Face palms*


You know, most people categorize twins in the same way! The calm and the storm!

And some are like YOU GUYS ARE THE EXACT SAME!

Look, I know you find it fun to figure us out, but can you like, STOP this nonsense ?!

They even try to find out our differences by ABSOLUTELY ridiculous and rather, OFFENSIVE observations!

I mean, you aren't brainless enough to know that a certain thing is offensive right?

And we are tired of being called CUTE!

Haven't seen twin before? So what?! You know that twins aren't any new phenomena! We aren't aliens! So stop overreacting!

We are always told to stick together like glue. Our parents make us feel we are nothing without each other. It is as if, we can't have a voice of our own. We are told that we are one. We can't have our own choices...

I personally love some of that...but not always.

I love my twin, she loves me. But we both agree yet disagree sometimes with this fact.
We are not the same, we are different, though not entirely. But we are different by a lot.

And we are tired of being compared or being thought of as the same.

I'm afraid if we are always attached to the hip, we might not find our ways alone. And it is not always, that we are able to venture on a journey together.

How can we ever make them understand? It's not as if we never talked about this certain fact....

Does anyone have a twin here? Do you face the same situation? Or is it just us?

Ps, if anyone tries to make me understand why people act the way they do, keep your words to yourself, cuz they'll go to blind eyes...

PPS, once again , meet my twin, ZarahDreamer

Oh, and I don't hate you. It's not your fault that you are my twin. It's the people's fault that they they compare or think us the same...

PPS: That's Me n my twin in the Zekrit, QA inland-sea Beach .

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