Review #2

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Book Title: Living Monsters
Written By: simsfan478
Chapters Read: 4

Book Title: Living Monsters Written By: simsfan478Chapters Read: 4

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Cover: 2/5

  In my honest opinion, the cover isn't really that enticing. I mean, it shows the main characters and all, but it just sort of flops in the sense that the fonts and images, as well as how they're pasted together looks pretty basic and bland. The background behind the two main characters aren't properly laid out to match each other and their images weren't symmetrically aligned with each other. On the other hand, though, we're able to see Lana and Penny's appearances on the front cover, which is pretty good because it helps with the visualization.

  The author name is on the far, far lower left corner which is barely visible to the eye, and even if someone notices that little spot there I don't think we'd bother reading it. I'm speaking from experience, being a nearsighted person, because the letters are pretty small.

  Since Living Monsters is basically like a zombie apocalyptic story but with lilac-coloured infected, it would be more suited to have parts of its themes and elements, as well as the suitable colour palette and not just the two main characters. Also I think that way it will help attract the right audience.

Blurb: 2.5/5

  The blurb is short, straight to the point, and... well, vague. That's my honest take on it.

  After reading the blurb I was like, "that's it? What?" It wasn't specific at all, and I just found myself disinterested by the end of it because of the 'typical, cliche atmosphere,' it was giving off. Two sisters, the polar opposite, ought to find a way to reconcile or set their differences aside and stuff because of some... virus... apparently.

  What even is this virus? Is there an official name for it? What's its nature, what are the symptoms, how does it harm the people? Those things are necessary for the readers to even get mildly curious about how this virus is dangerous and whatnot. Choosing not to include it and its name just categorizes it as one of those cliche tropes with no background whatsoever on how they came to be, if I were to be honest.

  And what does Lana and Penny have to do with this? Did they just happen to be at that exact moment at that exact time? Wait, no, no... sorry if that sounds weird. Coincidences happen, and even the most normal people with the furthest of reasons to even be in that problem can get caught in it for just making a single decision.


  It wasn't even hinted to us readers exactly how these two would end up getting caught in such a tango.

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