Review #3

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Book Title: Bandaids and Punches
Written By: lurkinshadow
Chapters Read: 22 (completed)

Book Title: Bandaids and PunchesWritten By: lurkinshadowChapters Read: 22 (completed)

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Cover: 5/5

  I have not encountered this kind of cover just yet, and it looks really good, in my opinion! Especially with the darkened corners and the glow-up effect in the middle and the fonts that make it seemingly pop. I really like the aesthetic.

  However, if I was looking at it through the fancy eye alone, it would've gotten a perfect score. In my opinion, while the glow up looks nice, it also... sorta blurs out the actual words that we readers are supposed to be able to read. Like the author name, or the pen name. Maybe it's the image resolution. Or that's probably just me being the nearsighted mole that I am.

  (Maybe this book should've been called Night Mole Reviews instead lol)

  Also... I just wanna add in to say that I really like the title. It sets the two character and their themes and connecting them in a strangely unique way. The name itself even has a nice ring to it.

Blurb: 4.5/5

  The first line actually made me chuckle. *holds out hands* don't hang me in the gallows just yet, I am, by all means, not making fun of the blurb/synopsis. It just sort of... gives me that fleeting thought of, "well, of course it would be illegal. What would be the clear opposite term for legal?"

  Legal during the day, Illegal at night.

  The sentence sounds awkward, because the two clearly opposite terms were used word for word in that one-liner. It just makes a reader see the absolute obvious. Personally, I think this is just a taste, but it also appears a tad repetitive.

  A blurb is like a movie trailer, spoken it that epic movie trailer voice. No matter how embarrassing it gets, the whole point is to make the entire thing flare up in an epicly-epic-epicness with drama. So as an excercise, try reading the blurb out loud with an epic movie trailer narrator voice or something, see how it fits.

  A blurb also needs to have the four essential elements as to what makes this story different, and how, without revealing the parts you want them to find out more of. Character, Setting, Plot, and Stakes. And for me, the stakes in it weren't as fleshed out well enough so the dramatic flare right at the beginning didn't have a payoff and didn't quite sit so well.

  Also... it's stated that Haneul is already in the underground world as he's working as a doctor for the fight club. So that addition in the end with him risking his status for Dae Ho is kinda... already given, in my opinion.

  I think placing in a greater hint at the things Dae Ho is involved in is a good idea, so the latter half of the plot doesn't seem like it's swiveling away without much control.

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