Fill-up Form

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Hey night owls! Glad you finally reached this part of the review store! Kindly fill up the form (complete and orderly) if you want me to review your work!


Book title
Which aspects of your story you want me to focus on

And at least 5 tags for nothing more than promotional value ✌

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✒Please be reminded that I have the right to refuse your request — for different reasons, but I will usually explain them. So while you're still requesting, please don't do the payment first while I haven't accepted because that will make me hella guilty when I don't think I'm the one who can help you out at the moment.

  Remember, I'm just a reviewer, not an editor. I can't help you in exploring every nook and cranny of your story for fixable mistakes in punctuation and whatnot.

I'll PM you when you can start the payments and when I'll start the critique. I'll also PM you when I've finished and when I'll post the review, so you'll be extra updated.

(Oh, don't forget to vote.)

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