Chapter 10

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A Week Later - Anna's POV

I sigh as I walk into the Hokage office.

"Anna." Tsunade greets grimly.

"What is this about Tsunade?" I ask her as I look in her direction.

"Some bad news." Tsunade says to me and that catches my attention easily. "Sasuke was wounded in his pride and on his body in his last mission with Sakura and Naruto, he needs to be transported to the Leaf, so Ibiki is going there by boat and I need you to go as well." Tsunade says to me.

"That's bad news? Sasuke's pride is always hurt with Naruto around, those two act like brothers, but they completely deny it." I say to her, not all that interested.

"Just go meet up with Ibiki at the gate." Tsunade says to me and I hum and head to the gates and I wait for Ibiki.

Ibiki Morino, Morino, Morino, who has that last name?

I frown as I close my eyes, thinking.

I know the name, but who is it?

Ibiki and a crew get here and he flat out ignores me.

My eye twitches slightly while Izumo chuckles amused.

I just follow them, keeping quiet and we get to a boat.

After a while we get to the Land of Tea and I sense Idate.

"Idate?" I ask confused as I walk down the plank and I sense him look at me.

"Anna? What are you doing here?" Idate asks.

"Tsunade wanted me to come bring Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura back." I say to him

"ANNA!" Naruto cries and latches on to me and I lose balance.

"Naruto, I'm gonna fall!" I say to him as if he were crazy, which he is, but he just holds on as I fall and Idate laughs.

"Anna! We needed your help, why didn't you come?" Sakura asks me annoyed.

"Buzz off Sakura, I was already busy when you left." I say to her as I get crushed under Naruto's weight.

"Anna, be nice." Ibiki says to me and I flip him off.

"Nice isn't in her dictionary Ibiki-Sensei." Sakura says as Naruto gets off me and I sit up.

"Hey, I was being nice, I said buzz off isntead of piss off or fuck off." I say and it hits me. "Oh for fucks sake." I say getting up.

"What?" Sakura asks.

"I was thinking earlier and the answer hit me in the face." I say and Naruto gets up.

"When doesn't your answers?" Naruto asks me.

I roll my eyes.

"Well? What were you thinking about?" Idate asks me.

"You want me, to speak my mind here?" I ask him.

"You don't want that, she's a slew of curses and cussing, I heard it one time and that's how I lost my innocence." Naruto says to Idate and I cover my mouth as I giggle.

"It wasn't that bad, and your still innocent Naruto." I say to him amused as an amused smile plays on my lips.

"A smile." Sakura says shocked.

"What? I smile a lot." I say to her.

"Come on you three, Lady Tsunade will get furious if we take too long." Ibiki snaps at us.

"Piss off Ibiki, Tsunade can piss off as well, she doesn't faze me, no one can, I'll take all the damn time I want." I say and I sense Ibiki smirk.

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