Water Damage

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Hello, my lovelies,

Sorry, this is kind of a filler chapter and its short, but hey, its okay.

The question:

According to Professor McGonagall, what type of muggles are the Dursleys? 

Chapter 2

Percy was livid. He was used to being angry, lonely, and upset. He was used to the days where his head was on fire, his feet molasses, and his bone hollow from the ache he felt, the empty hole where people used to be. But, this? 

Scalding hot water ran down his spine through his fingertips, the air pressure bubbling up going to explode, Percy was done with being annoyed, angry. He was livid. 

"-and you. You think you can just come into the house-" Vernon yelled at this little brother, his facing gaining more purple and red. Veins started to dart out on his forehead, threating to pop, "-and do your freaky-" Percy took another step and he made eye contact with Harry who had started to shake.

Harry let tears stream down his face. 

The boiling water turned into a hurricane inside him, "-stuff and think that okay? You're a worthless brat-" Vernon still wasn't paying attention to the boy behind him.

Fists clenched something in Percy's gut yanks and all of a sudden the sink exploded. Everyone's head slammed to where the water started pouring out. Then the toilet shook and burst. Then the next appliance and the next and the next.

Water quickly started to charge at Vernon, angrily striking him as if it was an angry snake. Taking the distraction of water, Percy grabbed onto Harry's hand and pulled him to the cupboard. As soon as both boys were in the cupboard, Percy slammed the door.

No water searched them out, no water came inside.

The two boys sat in the darkness of the closet, trying to catch their breaths.

"Wha-" Harry had to take another breath, "What happened?" Harry's hands shook and Percy couldn't help but clasp them. 

"I don't know, but I'll be best not to do anything to get on their bad side-" Percy searched through Harry's face in the dark. 

Trying to lighten the mood, Harry cut Percy off, "Do they have a good side?"

Percy choked on a laugh, and Harry gave him the best smile he could.

Then they wobbled and shuffled around, both trying to lay down.  Together they managed to lay side by side, Percy at the wall -like normal- and Harry facing the door. They pressed together warmth and for the proof that they weren't alone.

Back in their safe heaven -the only place Vernon and Dudley could not fit- Harry's breath slowly evened out. Percy, on the other hand, stayed up. His mind raced through questions he couldn't answer, but soon enough exhaustion covered him like a blanket and he too fell asleep.


Percy was awoken by the vent to the cupboard opening and Harry shifting in his arms, "The repairman is coming today. Somehow last night our water pipes broke," Petunia's nasally voice unfortunately filtered into the closet. Both Harry and Percy shifted to look at each other.  Harry rubbed his eyes and Percy shrugged. "There is a list of things you have to do after he leaves, but until then, you stay."

Lips twitching upwards, Percy looked at his younger brother. He might not have understood what was going on, but almost a full day of just the two of them? It was a little slice of heaven.
"We're free for the next hour or so" Percy whispered, but Harry struggled to roll over. 

The emerald-eyed brother groaned, "Sleep. Another hour to sleep. Besides, it's hard to be free when you're locked in a cupboard." Then he shifted his head so it wasn't facing Percy.

Sighing, Percy poked Harry, "Talk to me," then he wiggled around and freed his arm. Then he draped his arm over his brother, "Love me!"

Harry sighed, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the doorbell-a perfectly normal one, thank you very much- rang.

Percy and Harry fell quiet, listening to the plumber's footsteps. 

Looking at each other, the boys rolled their eyes at Petunia's high pitch voice but didn't speak. The voices got closer and closer and both boys held their breaths.

"Mr. Lupin, Thank you so much for this short notice, I know that nasty drive couldn't have been easy, especially in that car." Their 'aunt' probably was now putting on the fakest smile she could, and handing him some over-sugared treat. The man responded, however, neither boy could hear he was saying, but Petunia seemed to find it funny as she gave him an even faker laugh -one that matched this house's wallpaper-.

Percy grinned, "I think your aunt has found a new 'friend'" 

Choking on a laugh, Harry's face matched Percy's, "Vernon's going to have a conniption." 


When Mr. Lupin finished, he left in a hurry.

Percy and Harry couldn't stop their laughter when the poor plumber's footsteps basically told the whole story -him running out of the houses. Petunia slammed open their door, and basically growled out, "Get, get! You have work to do!"

Looking at each other, they had to hold their back in their laughs, which seemed to make Petunia even angrier, "Get!"

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