Magic and Mayhem

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Hey y'all!!

*Cricket cricket cricket*


What colour is Grover's hair???


Life moved on after the water accident and no one ever mentioned it. Things went back to the Dursley's "normal".  Percy worked long grueling hours in the sun and Harry worked long grueling hours with the family. That's the way it was, is, and always will be.

Percy now kneeled, his knees digging into the cool dirt, his hands searching for unwanted roots. He had already done half of the rose bed, scratches ran up and down his arms as proof. Relaxed, Percy's mind wandered, wandering to his mother and life he left, to his new-ish brother and the tasks they were forced-

"Oh, hello there." A new voice shook Percy from his daydreaming, and he jerked away, " Oh dear, did I scare you? Please forgive me." The voice continued, slightly stiff but mostly kind.

Not Petunia's cold, stiff, and fake kind, but a warm, chocolatey voice.

Percy turned around to see a dirty-brown haired man with a tattered trenchcoat, "Um... hi?"

The man either didn't notice Percy's hesitation and confusion or simply ignored it, "Fine day we're having. I'm Remus Lupin, I live nearby."

Sighing, Percy wiped his hands off on his shirt, "I'm Percy." He didn't give anything else, but his grey-green eyes widened for a fraction of a second before they came back to normal. There was silence for another moment, Mr. Remus Lupin switching to the balls of his feet to the heels after a second where no one said anything. Then the name clicked in Percy's head, "You're the guy who dealt with the pipes busting."

The edges of Lupin's mouth twitched upwards, but he nodded, "Yep, that's me. Book store clerk by day, plumber by night." 

Percy smiled, the sun glared at his back, "What book store?"

"Do you like reading?" Lupin asked, his hands finding their way into his pockets.

Percy shook his head, "No, but my brother does."

An eyebrow raised -Percy definitely did not put that on his mental list of stuff he needed to do in life- and the plumber rolled back onto the balls of his feet, "Is Dudley your brother?" He gestured to the house.

Snorting, Percy grimaced at the thought, "No" then to himself he whispered, "Thank god". 

The eyebrow was raised yet again, "Oh?"

Percy sighed, "My brother is Harry Potter." At Lupin's surprised face, Percy quickly retreated, "brother with a different mother." He paused to take a breath, "And father, I suppose, but I wouldn't know." And in his mind, his cursed his father with every word he knew -to be honest, not many, but it's the thought that counts.

"I work inMagic and Mayhem. It's down by the pub." Percy tilted his head, trying to remember where and he vaguely makes out a ratty bookstore, but Lupin continued, "Unfortunately, I have to go. But I am sure we'll meet later, Percy."

Percy smiled and waved, "By Mr. Lupin."


And then he was gone. 

And Percy dug his hands into the soil once more and started to finish his work.


That night, right before the two went to bed- Percy couldn't help but tell Harry everything. 

"I met Lupin." Percy started and Harry shifted next to him, "he was nice. He apparently is only a plumber by night and by day he's working at Magic and Mayhem, the bookstore next to the pub." Percy took a deep breath, "He seemed to recognize you, but I couldn't tell much about it."

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