A Piece of Chocolate

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What's up???

*cricket Cricket cricket*

Thanks, readers, love you too *blows kiss*

Anyways! What is Lupin's first said words in the book?

Mr. Lupin leads the young boy to the fireplace where there is a semi-circle of chairs. He sits Harry down in one of the large comfortable chairs. When Harry sits in it, he sinks, slowly. Sitting there, Harry's almost to the point of shaking, but he keeps his eyes on his hands and slowly says his ABC's backwards.

Sitting down, Lupin leaned back, "Well... Harry Potter, what's wrong?"

-Z Y X W V U-

"It's my brother," Harry started, his hands intertwining with each other and foot bouncing, but when he looks up, Lupin's eyebrow is raised, "Well... adopted, kind of." Taking a sharp breath in, Harry paused to find the right word - T S R Q-, "It's a long story, but his mother- his mother is Sally Jackson," He started to rush his words, tears filled in his eyes -P O N M L-, "She lives in New York," -K J I H G E-, "Manhatten, I think. Percy really needs here, and it's really important. She has brown hair, " Pausing, Harry tried to remember what Percy had said, "and Brown I eyes, I think." 

Trying to breathe, Harry couldn't get enough air -D C B A-, "Please, he-I need help."

Lupin took a deep breath, "Hey, hey, don't worry about it. I'll try my best though. No promises."

Nodding as fast as he could, Harry let out a sigh he didn't have in relief, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Now, you look like you need chocolate and a good book." A smile graced Lupin's lips as he grabbed the candy jar that was sitting on the table and opened it, "here, chocolate is good for the soul."

Harry took a bite into the candy and melted. He ate half, then covered it back up and placed it in his pocket -for Percy. His eyes tracked Lupin as the man stood up and started to browse through the books, "I'm sorry sir," Harry started again, "But I don't have money."

Humming, Lupin turned around, "Think of it as, a gift from an old friend."

Eyebrows furrowed, Harry slowly nodded, "Er... thanks?" then he grabbed the book that was sitting in outreached hands and tucked it into his oversized pants.

His eyes were caught by a clock.

Panic seized him again and he shot up, "Sorry Mr. Lupin, I gotta go. I'm gonna be late!" Spriting, Harry raced out of the door and onto the sidewalk. He used all of his energy into duck people, jumping over trash, and going faster.

Companies passed by Harry in blurs of bright colours and suits -and sure, he bumped into a few, but not his problem right now.

Then came the houses, rows of basically the same house sitting on top of each other, lawns perfectly trimmed and Harry put in the extra energy he didn't think he had.

Fear raced through his chest, then arms, then hands, then legs, and it wouldn't stop.

-The first time that Harry is rebellious and he gets caught.-

He made a sharp turn on their street and realized, he still hadn't done the yard.

-Harry was so, so dead-

Skitting to a stop at the dismal Dursleys home, Harry felt the panic rise, rise, rise, then nothing. A calm settled in his chest and then in his head, and when he looked to the yard, expecting a grave with the tombstone "Harry Potter" on it, there was only cut grass and perfect flowers, no weed in sight.

Harry blinked once, twice.

It was almost like ma-

"BOY!" A thundering voice yelled.

Jumping, Harry ran -still out of breath, thank you- to the sound of heavy feet. Vernon Dursley took one good look at Harry's disheveled state -dirt was there too, somehow.

Scrutinizing the yard, Uncle Vernon didn't look back, "get inside with your brother, he's in your bedroom" -Harry did not roll his eyes, he did not- "We're having good company come. One foot out of line-" He let the threat go, but Harry didn't doubt it for a second. 

Muttering thanks, Harry snuck into the house and into their "bedroom"

"Harry?" Percy groggily looked up when Harry tucked himself into their bed, "Why are you breathing so heavily? Outside work is that taxing."

Snorting, Harry couldn't help but to blurt out, "We're going to find your mom."

Percy blinked. Staring at Harry through the darkness, "I'm sorry, did you just say-"

"Yes!" Harry cut him off, "I went to Mr. Lupin's-"

Hands reached Harry's shoulders, and Percy examined him, "are you okay? Did the Durlsey's find out? Oh god, oh god. That's almost a thirty-minute walk-"

Pulling away Harry rested his back against the wall and Percy mirrored him with the door, "It's okay! I found the pub, then the bookstore and Mr. Lupin promised me he would help and then I noticed the time and ran back and boom!" He made a small gesture -because that's all he could do in this amount of space- "Everything was done!" Percy opened his mouth, but Harry wasn't finished, "Oh! And here's something Mr. Lupin gave to us!" he pulled out his chocolate and gave it to Percy, "I had my half, so-" Smiling, Percy halved it again and gave some to Harry, "But-"

"I wanted to share mine with someone, and it was either you or Dudley." Percy shrugged, but water started forming in his eyes.

Giggling, Harry pulled out the last gift, "He also gave us this-"

Harry was cut off by Percy hugging him, "Thank you."

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