Twisted Heart (Part 3)

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Crushed Love (Part 3)

Okay, so this is my new book. It will be pretty long, as I want to make it a real novel. I want to properly publish it, but I just wanted to share it with the world beforehand, and get some feedback :) Please enjoy. It is romance, the beginning is slightly depressing, but I promise it will get better. This is just the beginning from Scarlett's point of view. There are three more main characters. This was originally the beginning, but it was kind of depressing so I reordered it :)



The dream started the way it always started. The sky was a gorgeous light blue, with only long wisps of clouds lazily floating overhead. The pretty blue dress I was wearing flickered in the wind in unison with the strands of hair not pulled back into the messy plait I'd done myself. The lush green grass peeking out of the ground crunched as I stepped hesitantly. My hair was a rich gold, exactly the colour of the sun that was burning my skin.

That should've been my first warning. I haven't worn a dress in six years, and my hair hasn't been its natural colour for the same time. But I always believe it in the beginning, when it's still beautiful and sweet, and I let myself relax. It just makes it easier for it to hurt me in the end. But I can never learn in these dreams.

I finally notice that someone is beside me. I stiffen, and go into the defensive. But the person I see is just like me, with hair done exactly the same, and in the same dress. She even had the same surprised expression I had as well. It could have been a mirror image. We laugh at each other's surprise and then we start running, trying to out-run each other, but instead managing only to keep level. We run really fast, so fast that our hair starts to become undone and the wind whooshing against our ears starts to hurt. Then we fall, so suddenly that we tumble and roll. What happened? We both look around. It was a baby, wrapped up in a blue cloth exactly the same colour as our dresses. We both scramble up to her, cooing when we saw her beautiful, delicate features, and the single strands of fluffy hair the exact colour of our own. She opens her eyes and they're a beautiful emerald green, so different to our greyish-blue ones. The baby giggles and we giggle with her, and then we burst out laughing. I don't know why. Everything just seemed so funny. The baby's face was just so adorable, with her rosy-red lips wide open in an expression of exhilaration.

Suddenly the baby jumps up, throwing down the cloth she was wrapped in. As she jumps up, a locket on her neck bounces. I know this locket. I have an identical one. I know exactly what photo is in it, and I know how precious it is.

The baby's become bigger, a toddler. I suddenly notice that my mirror image and I have both grown taller too. Our golden hair reaches our waist now. We both look hard at the toddler, as if worried. We don't need to be. She's grinning toothily up at us, and slips her hands into one of ours. I look at my mirror image and she's looking back at me. The look we share is one of amused understanding. And then we're all running again, skipping happily through the grass, with the sun beating down on us.

We suddenly come to a stone well, covered by a roughly cut circle of wood. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I push off the wood, I look down to see that it is dried up, and I also see something shiny down there that looks a lot like glass. It was dark and dangerous - a bad combination for the precious child. I look up at my mirror image, expecting her to have the same worried expression as me. But she doesn't. Her face is contorted in an image of malicious happiness, her lips curving up into this evil grin, her eyes full of this dark, greedy energy so scary that for a moment, I'm lost for words. How could something that looked exactly like me produce an expression that dark? Could I...make that face too?

No matter how many times I have this dream, I can never pin-point the exact time everything changes. All I can tell is that at first it's so hot that I have a trickle of sweat running down my back, but then my back get wetter and wetter, cold sweat is running from every inch of my skin, until it's no longer sweat but rain, rain pouring from the dark clouds that had suddenly crowded around the sun, and the whole sky is dark, so I can't see clearly any more, and the only thing not blurred in this vision is the girl. My mirror image, my doppelganger. Only it isn't following me anymore.

Twisted Heart: A Crushed Love NovelWhere stories live. Discover now