Twisted Heart (Part 8 - Fate)

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Okay people, new deal. If you like my story, and want more of it, I have to get at least 15 votes in the latest part. PLEASE VOTE I LOBE YOU ALL :)

I was going to wait until Saturday to post, but my story just saw the light of the day on the Wattpad's WHAT'S HOT list, so I'm so happy!!!! I'm only, like, no.990, BUT I'M SO HAPPY!!!! Please continue to vote for me, so I can continue to be in the WHAT'S HOT list, and so I can continue to be happy!!!!!!!!!!! (and sane) I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! I think this calls for a celebration!! My youtube vid this time will be "Written in the Stars" Tinie Tempah. I know, I am so lame and weird, but I DON'T CARE!!!! WHAT'S HOT LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!




My breathing was steady now, but I knew from experience that it would take a couple more minutes for me to be able to walk. Since cancer, I've been weak. There was a time that in the mornings after the nightmares, there were whole periods that lasted for hours, during which I was unable to even move. My hands had stopped shaking, which was always a good sign.


I tensed up, though I refused to turn around. Alex.

I didn't want to see him right now. I still didn't know what to say. There was nothing to say. There were no words left, not anymore. I was so tired from life. I wanted everything to go away. I wanted to sleep without the nightmares. That would be my version of nirvana. Somewhere without thoughts, without my past.

Death would silence it all.

I laughed silently, the quiet sounds shaking my whole body. I have no idea where that voice comes from. Sometimes, it talks to me. It tells me to do things that I know would be wrong. Isabella has a talent for making me suicidal. Just like the way she'd did to Mother.

"Scarlett... Are you...okay?" He reaches for my shoulder, but I jerk away before he can touch me. That would be the last thing that would help me right now. Just when I was almost calm, he tenses me up again.

"Go away," I say. Even to myself, my voice sounds very weak, barely stronger like a hoarse whisper. "I...don't want to see you right now."

Even as I say this, I can't help but glance at him. It's that age-old paradox isn't it? What do you do when someone tells you to not look down? You look down. Damn reverse psychology.

His eyes are calm, gentle, understanding. He was Alex again, my brother. Not the cruel killer who terrified me, the one who looked so much like the monster of my nightmares. I watched him carefully, half-thinking that the monstrous face would appear again. But the face was gone, like I'd just imagined it. I must have imagined it. No way could Alex ever look like that. He wasn't capable of it. I was just being stupid.

My eyes suddenly well up again. I was so tired. Tired of all the suspicion, of all the paranoia. Why couldn't the world just go away? Why couldn't everyone just leave me alone?

"Scarlett..." he said, pulling me into a hug, just like the one my Dad used to give me, before he'd stopped caring about me.

His warm arms were my home.

"What happened?"

"I'm so sorry, Alex," I whispered, my voice choked with tears. How the hell could I have doubted him? He was Alex. Alex wasn't cruel. Alex was gentle. Of course he was. He was my best friend. "How could I have thought that...I couldn' you?"

He stiffens, and relaxes.

"When did you doubt me?" he murmurs back, his voice husky. His gaze is as piercing as it was yesterday, but this time he's much too close.

Twisted Heart: A Crushed Love NovelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin