Twisted Heart (Part 10 - Lies and Assasinations)

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The first kill is always the hardest, the one that will haunt you forever. I remember my first kill so sharply and clearly, it could have been yesterday.

The first kill is the test to see if you have the potential. They don't give you any weapons. You're expected to kill a man with your bare hands. Some go mad with guilt. Those are the ones that enjoy the feeling, the power you have over another human being. They question themselves, and ask, "Why do I like this? What is wrong with me?"

I liked it.

The test was my first mission. I was to track down a man called John Varner. He had been a good man. He had helped so many people, rescued over a thousand people with the decisions he'd made for the American Government.

That made it better, in a way. If Heaven existed, I'm sure he would have gone to it.



I was early today. Being only my second week, teaching still made me nervous. I'd only taught three lessons so far, and the kids were still kind of scary. I was only a couple years older than them.

Only a couple years older than Isabella.

I shook my head, annoyed at myself. God, I was sick. She was my student. It could never happen.

The infirmary was my staff-room. It was customary for the others teachers to shun the student teacher, which I kind of understood. I was young, still only in University. I didn't fit in.

I sipped the coffee in had in my hand. God, I missed the coffee I used to have. It was perfectly roasted, and had a divine taste that I was too young to appreciate back then. Now I was stuck with cheap instant. I sighed. Stop these idiotic superficial thoughts! Your life now what so much better. You are finally happy.

I switched on the old computer that had the - albeit slow - Wi-fi connection I idolised. As the friendly Windows tune broke the still silence, signalizing that the thing was starting up, I heard something. A sob.

"Hello?" I called out. "Who is it?"

Someone was crying.



It had finally sunk in. I tried to look away from my hand. The pain was kicking in now, waves of it, shooting up and down my arm, intensifying at my palm.

What the hell was I thinking? What the hell was I thinking...No, what the hell had Isabella made me think? I didn't hate her before, but I hated her now. She'd forced me, driven me out of my home. Alex was gone, so the only place I had left was the school.

I knew that nowhere else would take me in. If I went to Father, he would kick me out, no questions asked. He wouldn't even care that I was hurt. He would throw me out, emotionlessly, telling me how much of a disgrace I was. I don't know why it hurts this much. I WANTED him to hate me. So he could feel the burning contempt I'd felt. But he didn't even care now. He didn't hate me at all. I was too insignificant for that.

He only felt disgust. I don't know which one is worse.

Tears run down my cheeks now. No! I'm not crying! It's from the pain, that's all. I was NOT crying. I can't cry. I have to be strong. I have to be.

Moans of pain escaped from my lips. It hurt like hell. Where was Alex? Why did he have to go away exactly when I needed him?

"Are you okay?"

It was Taylor.



Twisted Heart: A Crushed Love NovelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora