Twisted Heart (Part 9 - Revenge)

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Hey guys, I was going to wait, but I just love you all so damn so much. The real plot is just beginning now :) Enjoy xxx

Heart vacancy is epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE LISTEN!!! It's the best bloody song I've ever listened to!!! I LOVE THE WANTED!!!!!!!



"So...What's been troubling you?"

Isabella looks at me, but says nothing for a while.

"Scarlett, my sister. You've met her, right?"

I nod.

She's about to cry now, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"She's returned...I don't really get along with her because a couple years ago...I did something. She hasn't forgiven me. I don't think she ever will. But now she's come back, with my step-brother, and I don't know what she's going to do!"

She looks at me, her big blue eyes piercing.

"She lies. She tries to isolate me from everyone else. Don't believe her...if she says anything, okay? You can't trust her!"

Her voice is hysterical, and for the first time, I see the real her. Vulnerable and open. This was the person I'd seen six years ago. This was Red.

"Don't cry," I mutter, pulling her into a warm hug. I feel her freeze in my arms, and I half-expect her to pull away, but she doesn't. She relaxes.


I look up. It was Scarlett.



Isabella was in the arms of the same teacher I'd seen touching Scarlett.

"Isabella?" Scarlett says, in a surprisingly natural voice. She half-glances at me in a worried way. I'm confused for a moment, but then I remember. I'm supposed to be in love with Isabella.

Even she's faced with her worse nightmare, she worried about me. Scarlett was much too loyal for her own good.

"You here to see Mom as well, then?" she asks. Scarlett is a surprisingly good actor, when she feels the need to act.

Isabella had pulled away from the teacher. Her face had flashed fear and surprise, but she'd covered it up in a second. She was ten times better at lying then Scarlett would ever be.

"Yes," she replied, smiling a sweet smile that did not reach her eyes. She was trying to work out how much we'd heard. Isabella was a poisonous bitch. How could Scarlett believe me when I said I loved HER?

"Oh, Alex," Scarlett says, beaming her million-watt smile at me now. "Didn't you say you wanted to talk to Isabella?"

Oh God. I had to "confess" to Isabella.

Isabella looks at me, real confusion clouding her face now.

"Let's go," Scarlett says to the teacher, leading him away to the edge, the wind blowing her hair into a cloud of black.

"What's up, Alex?" Isabella asked her face untrusting and cold.

I turned back to Scarlett. She'd forced a grin on her face, making it as natural as she could with Isabella near her.

"Good luck," she mouthed.

I could kill her.



I turned back to the guy I'd met into the hall. He was looking at me with genuine curiosity, which made me uncomfortable. Didn't Isabella already tell him not to trust me?

Twisted Heart: A Crushed Love NovelWhere stories live. Discover now