Chapter 1

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Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-da

The year was 1968, and everything was different now. Yes I know those words get said a lot. "Everything was different..." Or "everything had changed..." But it's true...

I kept rereading that letter he gave me in 1966 asking me to come back and give him a second chance. After reading it for the 50th time I realized though that I loved Paul a lot. And that a second chance is what we both need, so of course I said yes.

Mike and I's little fling ended quickly but Mike soon found a new love interest and married her after six months.

And now I was sitting at home, with the children, all three of them. Oh did I mention Paul and I had another child?

27 of February we welcomed Leyna Michelle into the McCartney family. A beautiful little girl, gosh we were so lucky to have her.

I guess I've changed a little. I'm still very flighty, and Paul's excepted that and has let me go on little trips by myself every so often. I've also become a little more relaxed, maybe it's because of the drugs though.

The boys music became heavily influenced by marijuana and LSD and lots of other drugs, which was very very bad, but even I started to join in on it. I would be tripping on acid every other day, causing Paul and I to be terrible parents.

We decided to hire a nanny because with the two of us being as high as we are, it isn't good for us to take care of the kids.

And now here I sit, or should I say lie on the floor of the boys studio, stoned, laughing hysterically.

"Boys, you need to get yourselves together..." George Martin said looking disapprovingly at us.

Since Brian, their manager, had killed himself last year, the bands sound and look had changed like I said. They weren't as- composed, but they were still selling records like hot cakes.

Their first record of 1967, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band or as I like to call it SPLHCB, was revolutionary. Everyone loved it, it hit #1 on the charts, the boys just absolutely loved it.

"Calm down Martin" John laughed as the smell of marijuana escaped from his mouth.

All the boys chimed in and laughed in unison but I laid there looking at celling, watching all the pretty colors.

After the boys finished playing I stood up a little unsteadily and screamed on the top of my lungs for no reason at all.

"Mel, that's not groovy, what are you doing?" Paul moaned staring at me crookedly.

It all came to me in that minute.

What was I doing?

I was lying on the floor of a recording studio in nothing but a long tunic that came to my mid thigh. My hair in long braids that ended at my mid back, I wasn't a parent anymore.

"We are not teenagers anymore..." I stated getting off the ground.

"No but we can sure act like them." George puffed laughing the boys joining in.

Carefully I walked to the door and propped myself up.

"George you are 25, John and Ringo 28 and Paul, you and I are 27 with three kids at home... We all need to change our lifestyles a little."

The happiness in the boys eyes dissipated to reveal shock and realization. Johns arms folded over his chest while George flicked the joint out of his fingers and let it gracefully fall to the ground. Paul walked over to me and wrapped me into a warm embrace.

"Maybe you do always know what's best for us." Paul whispered his warm breath tickling my ear.

John stood up, almost outraged.

"Just because she's our friend doesn't mean she can control our life! I mean for god sake she's a woman!"

Did I mention John, when he's not as high as a kite, absolutely hates me?

Yes it's true, he can't stand me unless he's tripping on acid or smoking. I didn't care because I had learned from our trip to India on how to control my hatred and anger, whereas John, as stubborn as he is, wouldn't not put up a fight. It didn't bother me though because I had three beautiful children and a loving husband.

"Well you know what John, you don't have to listen to me! You can just love your life never having any commitment, Cyn was the one thing that kept you sane and look even she's realized you are just a cheating bastard." And with those words I walked out of the recording studio feeling very satisfied with my work.

"You're doing the right thing Mel." I whispered to myself as I walked out the front doors of Abbey Studios.

The fresh cool air of September felt nice against my porcelain skin. I walked down the street wobbly, until I reached a cafe where I could have a cup of tea.

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