Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After tea, Paul and I went home and decided to relax after a long stressful day.

"Mel, I can't help but ask... Did you purposely drown yourself?"

I didn't know how to answer partly because I didn't know the answer myself.

Like I Had said, life was going by slowly, each day similar to the other and I'll be honest, I was getting bored. I didn't have a job so I just stayed at home by myself from about 7-6. It's very boring. Sometimes I'll stay at home the whole day and watch the TV or clean house. Other days I get up and go to the market with the three babies which isn't often because have you ever tried managing three babies at a crowded market? Yeah it isn't fun.

"Uh no, it wasn't on purpose I've just been not feeling well lately."

He nodded and went back to what he was playing on the guitar.

What if it was on purpose?

My mind soon got clouded and I felt myself fall onto the couch with a loud thud and my mind emptied, leaving me with nothing but a pit of blackness.

The glaring of the lights over head made me cringe.

"Oh god Paul's a mess..." George whispered to John who stood beside me, his hand in mine.

What was John doing? He hated me, why was he holding my hand? And why was Paul a mess? Was something wrong?

I fluttered my eyes open and complete scared George and John out of their wits.

"Uh hi Mel how you feeling?" John said caressing my hand.

"I'm fine why what's wrong?" I asked looking Around at my settings. This was the hospital of many trips. This is where I had all three of my children and where I would go for little things like stitches and such. I've been very clumsy lately, falling and bumping into things.

"George go get Paul, tell him she's up."

"What's going on John?" I weakly mumbled hoping John would hear me and answer me.

"Paul's going to talk to you Mel, just keep quiet." He put a finger up to his lips and shushed me.

Paul looked rough when he walked in about 15 minutes later. His first few buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned, his hair was messed up and his eyes were a bright red color.

"Paul what's wrong with me?!?" I tried shouting but as I did Paul started sobbing.

"Mel, you've got-" he took a large breathe. "Mel you've got Cancer."

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