Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Each day went by slowly, and I increasingly found myself lying in my bed not getting up, until 6 when Paul gets home and sees that I've done nothing.

"Mel, I'm really worried about you." Paul breathed putting his large hand on my cheek.

"I'm fine. Just please-"


"Please leave. I need some alone time..." I whimpered placing my hands on my upper stomach.

He obediently agreed and left the room biting his nails.

"I need to do this" I thought lifting my heavy body off the bed.

The bath was all drawn, the lights all off, my clothes lying on the sink.

"Ah this'll be nice."

I lied down in the bath gently and let the warm water pervade. I then fell asleep.

When I awoke I was on the bed, Paul screaming over me, sobbing.

"She's not dead! She's not! Her eyes are open!!" He shouted.

"Paul stop" John uttered looking at me.

There are I lay, with only a sheet over me. The boys relaxed as they saw me shift around.

"Paul you couldn't have gotten me a towel?" I barked, seeing under the covers that I was not clothed.

"We will leave you two..." John growled taking Yokos hand and dragging her out of the room.

"What's gotten into him?" I said loud enough for bits to be heard by the couple.

"Ah he's just pissy lately." George mumbled, kicking the end of the bed gently.

After everyone exited the room and I got dressed, we all decided to head out and grab a cup of tea.

"It's so windy out today." I chattered, when I felt a warm jacket land on my shoulders.

Above me was a smiling Paul and soon I was wrapped in his embrace.

"I love you so much Amelia."

I giggled.

"I love you too Paul"

I got on my tip toes and lightly grazed his cheek with my lips.

When we entered the store everyone went crazy and soon girls even women were throwing themselves at the Beatles, screaming out different things.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea..." Pattie shook her head.

"Ah knock it off will ya?" I said pulling a few girls away.

After about five minutes all the girls were off the boys, some though staring creepily, standing about an inch away from them.

"These kids are crazy..." George muttered, placing his order.

Everyone quickly ordered and sat down in a booth in the corner of the café.

"So boys how's the album coming along?" I smiled.

They nodded showing they were listening.

"It's coming along..." George chuckled.

Ringo and Paul had gotten into a huge blowout because Paul was playing over Ringo's drum parts on the new album. They screamed and yelled, things were thrown and needless to say, Ringo took a holiday and is still gone. I will say Paul is at fault here, but he's already feeling bad so hopefully Ritchie will accept his apology and the band will go back to normal.

"We need Ringo back..." Paul uttered not looking up from his tea.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have done that..." George retorted.

The two glanced at each other and exchanged angered looks but dare not say a word.

"Boys not now. We are out." Pattie rubbed George's back to soothe him.

Slowly I could see the band falling apart...

And it broke my heart...

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