Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
The band slowly and slowly started arguing more. One day, I sat at home, quietly reading the newspaper while the babies played on the carpet. Paul stormed in and threw the papers he carried on the ground.
"This band will be the death of me." He snarled.
"Honey sit down-"
"No. I'm leaving for a drive."
He didn't return home that night.

The next morning I awoke expecting a tired Paul to be next to me.
"Paul?" I exclaimed leaping from the bed.
The babies didn't cry nor did they stay quiet. I heard little noises. And I saw a note tapped to the door.
I left for the weekend, but I want you to know something. I love you, and this song is something I wrote for you. I hope you like it."
Attached was a beautiful song called I Will.
"Oh god, this band really is going to be the death of him."
I sat down against the wall of the children's room and red the song.
"Who knows how long I've loved you, who knows how long I will-"
One single tear slipped down my cheek.
I thought of the days in Liverpool. When we would all be kids, and run around and do random shit to get us in trouble. I thought of all the times my heart had skipped a beat around Paul. I recalled our first kiss.
We were about fourteen-fifteen and Paul and I had been friends for a few months now.
"Amelia you look really pretty tonight" he blushed making sure not to look me in the eyes. He kicked a pebble and watched it fly down the street.
"Thanks Paul. You look good too." He gently wrapped an arm around me and we continued walking.
That year, I think it was year 10, Paul couldn't get enough of me. He would always hug me or rest his hand on my shoulder. He was always trying to find a way to touch me.
"Gosh Amelia, I don't know what to say."
"What do you mean?"
"Well I'm just lost for words."
"Well maybe we don't have to use words" I giggled.
"Kiss me."
"What?!?" Paul shouted a little shocked.
"You heard me. Kiss me Paul."
He leaned in and our lips met. I felt so many sparks, and I just wanted to continue to kiss him on and on.

"John? Hello?"
"Hello love how are you and satan- I mean Paul?"
"John." I rolled my eyes. "Do you know where my husband went?"
"No clue. Apparently, George talked to him last night though. Give him a call."
"Okay thank you. Talk to you later John."
I hung up and dialed George.
"George, where the hell is Paul?"
"Well that's a nice how do you do!"
"Really though I'm worried about him..."
George sighed.
"He's over at the hotel down the street from where you guys live. He's just there by himself, writing songs he said. Didn't want to be disturbed-"
"Well I'm sure as hell going to disturb him. Can you or Pattie come watch the kids for a little?"
"Of course. We will be there in ten."
I hung up the phone and decided to go put on something nice. I wanted to have a nice conversation with Paul, and maybe being a little dressy wouldn't hurt.

George and Pattie arrived about 15 minutes after I called.
"Whoa Mel. What's with getting all dressed up?" George whispered as Pattie went and got the babies.
"I need to talk to Paul. Maybe being a little sexy won't hurt." He laughed and kissed my cheek.
"Got get'em tiger."
I smiled and waltzed out.

I giggled in my way to his hotel room. I got all these butterflies just thinking about him.
"425" I knocked on the door gently and to my surprise it opened.
I peered in and heard a groan.
"Paul!" I shouted looking to see Paul kissing another woman.
"Don't call me Mel you ass! I don't want to talk to you ever again!" I screamed.
I stormed out of the hotel, tears streaming down my face.
"That bastard. I've got stay with George for a while. I can't love with him. Not now, never again. I'll never love that man again."

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