The prologue

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Hello, my name is y/n. I am 16 years old born on m/d/y. My parents are always busy with work so I am always home alone. I have gotten used to it but I do get lonely. You may be asking,"Why not invite my friends over". I don't have any and never have had one. I don't see what is important about friends I enjoy being by myselfm I find books to be my friends. Also, that is one reason why I am bullied, it is because I am a quiet shy and always reading. I am also very smart. I am at the top of my class. Okay that is enough about me, time to move onto the story. Good bye. See you later.

Author's note
Hello this is my first story. So your character can look like yuqi or like you, either one. Also m/y/d means month/day/year for your birthday. So have fun reading this story. I will post every Saturday or Friday. Next chapter will be....... A secret. Have a nice night,day, or morning. Commet and tell me how you think the story is.

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