The Car Ride

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Jinx's eye stared into Scarlet green eyes not wanting to believe what her precious ears have just heard. It seems so unreal to think that one of the most famous villain Posin Ivy, the scientist who terrorizes the citizens of Gotham and held in the " Arkham Asylum" could have children after who knows what happen to her after she disappears and never roam the streets of Gotham after that.

Scarlet can't be real and why did her "Daughter" come to look for her if she is typically no one in particular. Jinx finally sigh as she got up from the dirty floor wiping her pants from any dirt that was left on her clothing as she stared at Scarlet.

" Look it was nice to meet you an all but I really have to go to school I am already late and I don't want to be in more trouble than I already am," Jinx was about to leave as Scarlet  comment stopped her dead in her tracks, but it sounded more of a muffle than an actual sentence that came from her mouth.

" what was that Scarlet? what did you say? "

" If you don't, believe me, I can show you myself, and as for your schooling, My mother has already taken care of that for you. So what do you say, Quinzel? Want to meet my mother for an explanation or rather go to a place that has nothing but annoying teens and unreasonable teachers that could care less about there education or education that there teaching?"

Jinx mind told her to abolish the idea of going with a stranger that she barely meet but inside of her mind the curiosity was driving her to an overdrive making all her mortals of following strangers fly away like the wind. Plus if this girl the real thing she could know more about not only herself but also more to an untold story on who her parents were.

"Fine I'll go with you; there is nothing to lose beside following a stranger." Jinx mention in as she rolled her eyes slowly walking beside the girl called Scarlet. Jinx did not mind her presence; it been a long time that she has fully communicated with someone that has not made her hate her.

Scarlet had a side smile on her face walking through the dirty and unpleasant alley that she made her enter. 'This girl could have just stopped by my house to deliver a fake package, but no she had to go the old fashion way and lead me in here ' jinx thought as she slowly follows Scarlet making a left on a tagged building with white spray paint that read " Jokes on you." Jinx observe the words once more as they soon come to a sudden stop. Jinx faced scarlet in a confused look eyeing her up and down as she just stood there looking out of the alley. Her mouth open to ask a question but soon came to a sudden close when a black five-seat car came to an abrupt stop. The windows seem tinted in black not being able to see anyone who was on the other side. Slowly the window came down revealing a boy who seems to look too much like Scarlet.

"Jeremy what took you so long " Scarlet rolled her eyes complaining to the boy named Jeremy. Scarlet reached her hand for the handle of the car door in an irritating motion. Jinx stood there seeing how they interacted not wanting to be part of there crossfire. Scarlet soon open the door to the back seat seeing that it was quite clean which kind of surprise her. She made her way towards the seat waiting for these twos to stop.

"well, It is not my fault that the Institution did not let me go till I was done with my mini project so sorry little sister " As soon as the door was closed the car took off in a flash. Jinx just looked out the window to the city that she was accustom by now that nothing that happens seems to frighten her. Though Jinxed read once that the city is calmer now yet there is still a high rate of criminals roaming Gotham city.

" I am only your little sister by a couple of minutes, so If I were you, I would not say anything. Plus why are you fighting me now we have a guest dummy" Scarlet hit Jeremy head with the palm of her hand in a fast motion and a bit rough you could hear a clear sound of the hit.

"owch dam Sacr chill out for a bit. "Jinx's eyes made her eyes look at the front mirror meeting with a pair of beautiful green eyes that seem to move his eyes away.

"Sorry for this unpleasant introduction, I am Jeremy Night, the older brother of this girl that does not know how to control herself."

"Hey I am Layla Woods Nice to meet you as well

Jinx sigh as she saw them continue to argue with the boy in front of her. She let out a soft cough as their voice began to lower down making it seem like it nothing has happened before.

"So are you guys twins or something caused by the way Scarlet said she is younger by a few minutes concludes that." Jinx was confused but wanted to know who they are if she is going to be with them for a while.

"Oh yeah we are, I am older by a few minutes, so I guess that makes her a baby."

" Whatever Jeremy there is nothing else that will make me mad "

" Oh well, it's not my fault that I was able to train the first and bet you multiple times during fighting and plant ability " Jeremy could be heard as jinx placed close attention on the words that were coming from there mouth. Her eyes widen hearing them knowing that one there is no backing up now and Two that they were the real thing

Scarlet turned a bit with a soothing smile as she began to ask me a question

" hey Layla just a random question that You might find quite disturbing but Did you know that Harley Quinn and the Joker are your parents right?" Scarlet eyes widen as she picked up her head from the window as her face turns to her. SHe had no response as her vision went from the girls face to the floor of the car.

" I...." Jinx's mouth was about to say something till she saw Jeremy cargo through a tunnel but did not get to the end since he gave secret entrance on the side of the large tunnel. She looked outside as she was amazed that there was an abandon location next to Gotham. She looked around at people unpacking cardboard boxes. Jeremy soon drove to the side parking his vehicle carefully.

We all climbed off as she still held an amazed look plaster on her face. She was glad she skipped school for this. Her right eye began to see a figure in the distance approaching them. The women with a white leather coat, Black pencil skirt, black heels, and wavy ginger hair had her hand on the side of her hips.

Jeremy and Scarlet smile as they went over to the women as they embrace her in a warm hug, but that did not last a long time since the women began to approach me with a smile on her face

" Welcome Layla my name is Pamela Isley or like other like to say Nice to meet you. I'm Poison Ivy."

Hey, there my pirates,

Hello, Hope you guys enjoy this chapter that I written and I hope it can make your day. What do you guys think of the story so far and what do you think will happen next?

Thank you for the support, and I'll talk to you guys all later

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