The Real Me

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Jinx's eyes were wide open as she looked her up and down seeing if the figure of Poison Ivy. She was no mere illusion or some holographic that they were portraying of her, It was truly her. Jinx mouth was slightly open still trying to process that the legend herself was standing in front of her. A warm hand came over to her mouth to close it slightly making her face turn to her left. It was no other than Scarlet herself.

" Better have that mouth close before a mosquito or fly comes flying around and decide to make its new home in your mouth" Scarlet giggle making jinx already predict that she will become friends with her in the future. The giggles soon came to a stop as Scarlet gaze was overtaken by her mother presence. The look that Scarlet gave her mother was one filled with compassion and love.

"Kids do me a favor and help the other unpack this place so you can begin training and no Scarlet you may not use the Mcfly tappers to train today. It is your brothers turn to use them so please be kind" Pamela smile at her kids giving them a kiss on their forehead lightly.

" I was not even going to say anything or even thinking about using the Mcflytrappers" Scarlet pointed out walking away with her brother next to her like a magnetic field. They seem so close that you can tell that they would risk anything for each other safety and protection, to jinx that seems beautiful. Her mind was beginning to stray away as she heard Pamela cough lightly making my face turn to the direction of Pamela her with a soft sigh.

" So darling you must be so confused on what is happening around here and why my kids brought you to this location. Why don't we go to my office and talk about it a bit more"

Jinxed nodded looking back once more at the twins carrying now medium cardboard boxes strolling towards what seems to be an ample garage space where their others were coming in an out of that location.'This is more than just a storage place' she thought turning Her head frontward giving a little jog to be next to Pamela as there was a large gap between each other. Jinxed wonder why Pamela not only has this place to herself but still has the money to afford to raise her children that seem cheerful and full of hope. yet she knew that was a conversation for a different time.

She soon opens a grey metal door to a medium size office with a large desk with what sem family photos, paperwork, plants and finally office supplies straight ahead of her. To her left, there was also a white round table with a daisy plant and white chairs making it roam for visitors to sit for the time being. The floor seems to be a white textile floor with grey walls and a few posters. To my right there seem to be bookshelves of books all organize neatly.

Jinx smiles as she enters and stops in front of the desk not knowing what to do.

" Go ahead dear take a seat, would you like anything to drink " Pamela went behind the desk as she looked over to her plant and with her fingertips touch it lightly " Hey baby how are you " she spoke to the plant or some sort of vine as it moved to wrapped itself around her arms lightly.

" Um No I'm fine " her eyes stayed on the plant as the sigh of Pamela could be heard.

"Something is bothering you, hun, you seem unease being here."

"well, sort of its like you and the twins open your arms to me, some girl that you barely know or heard of and treat me like I mean something to you guys. Not just like any person would but somewhere in this place I can feel safe. A place that I belong and seek for"All these words and emotion spilling from her mouth were making tears form on the side of her face going down her pink cheeks. Her stomach felt twisted and confused. All she ever wanted was a place where she belongs and become something exrtaordinary.

" Shh, its ok child you don't have to cry; it is all right how can I not care about my best friends only friend."

Jinx looked at her the words of scarlet began to resurface her mind as she had the words stuck to her brain " you do know that Harley Quinn and the Joker are your parents right?" Was it true that they could be her parents that she never really knew? Was the clown duo one of Gotham greatest villain and sidekick be the people that she was looking for a long time.

"How could you be sure that I am the one that you are looking for" Jinx slowly wiped he tears that fell from her cheek as she stayed wrapped around the warm embrace of the women that was on the front of her

"I am sure I know who I am looking for darling. If only you were to take off this silly disguise that does not show your true self and make you love your self. This is not you Layla we both know this, does it look like you love going through this process every single day?" Pamela slowly took a strand of red hair twirling it through her fingertip like a small tornado

" Go ahead darling go clean yourself up and show me Layla not any other girl from Gotham."

Jix nodded as she left the warmness missing it more than expected. Looking around she notices her office had a restroom, her footsteps were slow, but she feared of not only herself but seeing the girl she was not used to showing in public but her little world, in that apartment where she lives with a family fooled of lies.

Now the door that separated her from Pamela and her was slowly shut in a bang redirecting her to her little world she may be suck for hours. Placing her head on the door, she didn't want to take off this false girl, but the only way t understand who she, she would do anything to know her truth that is buried.

With a deep sigh, she directed her eyes to the large mirror that stood on the front of her looking over her reflection. For the last time, she ran her fingers through her red hair knowing the majority of her life this was on her head. Jinx's hands trembled to reach over slowly taking the red wig away from her head revealing the wig cap that she was accustomed to. in haste she took the item off as the bun of her blond hair was reviled. Letting go of the hairband she that once held her medium tied blond hair fall in place on her back. Once more she ran her fingers through her real hair giving a genuine smile seeing it free. Tossing her wig to the side of the sink she brought her face closer to the mirror observing herself once more.

'Time to say goodbye to brown and hello to blue' she began slowly takes off her brown contacts away from her eyes from a brown color to the color of the sea, blue.

In shock, she stood there looking at her reflection taking a deep breath analyzing her self with a smile that she would never see as something beautiful. Jinx place the contact on the side taking a proud deep breath as She took a look of herself one more time. Opening the door to Pamela to revile to her who she has been hiding for all these years

" So what do you think " was the first thing jinx could come up with as she stares at Pamela's green eyes with a nervous look. The words that came out of her mouth were something that she would remember and feel extra beautiful

"you look beautiful exactly like how your mother."

Those words place a smile on my face as I ran over to her giving her another warm embrace

Hey, there my pirates,

Hello, Hope you guys enjoy this chapter that I written and I hope it can make your day. What do you think will happen next? If you have any suggestion make sure to comment down below.

Thank you for the support, and I'll talk to you guys all later

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