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(Jinx POV)

After a few more minutes of warmness and hug in between each other's arms, the feeling finally disappeared as Pamela slowly stepped back to give her one great look at the real Layla. Pamela slowly smiles walking over to her desking sitting down once more as the vine wrapped around her arms.

"Now child back to business The reason we found you as not only to see you an bring you into our family but to offer you an excellent deal darling. " Taking a deep breath Pamela smile as Jinx looks straight at her eye making them seem extraordinary mesmerizing that she may never want to look away. "My Daughter Scarlet as you know wants to make a team of uncommon and fierce people she can get her hands on. Not just any Uncommon and destructive people, she wants to gather teens who were born or related to the Gotham villains. I know that you don't quite comprehend your backstory or your parents, but we need a girl like you. An intelligent being that can plan out things and one who no one may be able to figure out. Plus your parents are one of the most iconic people to ever roam Gotham."

" How did you" She was cut off in a matter of second.

" Darling I have known all about you and see how you worked in the place you called the school. Its no surprise that I also knew were to find you and locate your school."

Jinx mouth shut from saying another word as the new proposal began processing through her brain making her body not stay still pacing around the room back and forth as her breathing was keeping itself in a constant pace.

" you don't have to answer right away honey, but I do advice you give me your response as soon as possible so you may be able to train combat, weapon making and well planning out missions."

Jinx took a deep breath knowing that she still had time, but the clock will not run for a long time only for a matter of a few days.

" Ok, Pamela I will think about it " with that Pamela gave her a loving smile as her body moved from her desk to the door that seems so familiar yet a new world that I will soon experience if she decides to join these people.

" Jeramy will be waiting for you to escort you home darling" Pamela's mention before slowly closing the door that now seems like a whole new mystery to her. With a small inaudible sigh, her legs began to drag her towards the black vehicle that escorted her here in the first place. Jinx took one last look around seeing how now it may be all over the place, but this can be something extraordinary. 'wait why I am already thinking about this place ' with of the palm of her hands she covers her face.

" Ready to go um Layla? That is your name right " Jeramy said in a confident yet confuse voice as his body leaned on the car facing forwards making his body turn to me once he sees me.

"Yeah thank you very much" casually Jinx went over to the passenger's side of the car opening it hooping in tieing herself as he waited for Jeramy.

Jeramy entered the car turning on the vehicle as the secret entryway began to reveal itself once more as the car made its way back on the road and the familiar streets that she known to well in Gotham city. Her head leaned on the window gazing out towards her city. Night time in Gotham seems to be so beautiful seeing the stars shine through the dark sky making the bright city of Gotham be filled with more light. Of course, the night sky would be completed without that dam Bat signal that seems to be always present as Batman saves the day like always.

As Jinx kept gaze outside as she heard Jeramy clear his throat making her turn her head gently to him wondering why he wanted her attention.

" So um what school do you attend."

" Oh Um I attend Gotham High Scool what about you."

" Oh I go to the Institution of Gotham, I know it seems like a fancy place, and all but it is not a pleasant place to be" Jeramy chuckled a bit as his gaze was kept forwards on the road ahead. Jinx nod as she let the words that Jeramy mention submerge into her mind.

' Gotham institution, yeah.' Her eyes began to enlarge as with haste her head turn to Jeramy.

" You do realize what you mention right! Gotham Institution, the place the wealthy, rich and intelligent people go right but mostly those with the cash how!" her silent scream made her a bit astonished, but for Jeramy it made him chuckle from the words spilling from her mouth.

" Well, my-" his words were paused as his face slowly turned to me and then back on the road " if you join our team I will tell you all about it. Until then the curiosity will have to kill you for now. You are an intelligent girl. You may even figure it out before we can tell you."

The drive was soundless till the streets of my home were beginning to become recognizable to the point were Jinx may jump out the car and start running to her home sweet home. The house that she had known her whole life ever since she moved in when she was in middle school freshman.

Being caught in her daydream, the car came to a halt as her head shook from her thoughts. She began to untie herself as she opens the door of the vehicle as she slowly went out. The black window rolled down as she waved goodbye

"Thak you for everything. I'll see you around I guess" her body began to head towards her home sweet home as she heard Jeramy's voice speak once more. Her head turned slightly as small smile appear with the rolled down the window

" You should show your blond hair and blue eyes more often. It suits you better than that crimson color you had earlier" Once those words came out of his mouth he zoomed off towards the road once more. Jinx rolled her eyes playfully as she took her keys from her pocket opening the door to the place she called home. Kicking off her sneakers near the couch she went straight to her room. With a sigh, she turns to the clock seeing it was 9:00, and yet she still had homework to complete. Rolling her eyes once more she sat on heer dek taking out her textbooks and paper as for the rest of the night she continues to finish up homework for tomorrows class.

Hey, there my pirates,

Hello, Hope you guys enjoy this chapter that I written and I hope it can make your day. I will try to get her decision as fast as possible to begin to introduce new charreter and start to develop her. What do you think will happen next? If you have any suggestion make sure to comment down below.

Thank you for the support, and I'll talk to you guys all later

The New Jester in Town {Harley Quinn Daughter Story }Where stories live. Discover now