Dying Just To Know Your Name

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"Want to meet you favorite celebrities? You can win airplane tickets, hotel reservations and tickets to go to the VMA's and meet many artists by just entering online. Go to ryanseacrest.com and click on Contest and you will be able to fill in information required. Go now and win a free trip to meet your favorite celebrities." The radio DJ announced.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed. "Mom, I need to get home now!" I grabbed my phone and text my friend Denize.

"Hey, did you hear about the VMA's contest?:)xx-Lau"

"Yea, I just heard it and I was about to text you. LOL, I need to get home and enter. I hope we win :D xx-Dee"

"Yes, ahhh! Imagine if we do. All those celebrities we'll meet. Oh my. Xx-Lau"

I looked up and we were in the drive way right in front of my house. I opened the house and ran upstairs to my room. I opened my laptop and turned it on immediately. I was shaking. I got on the website and filled in the information so excited. At the end it said, "We will be emailing the winner, writing on their wall on Facebook and tweeting them. Thanks for entering."

I can't wait until they announce the winner. Deadline was until next week so there was not a lot of time to wait.

The next couple of days were very long. On Friday, I got home very excited and rushed upstairs to my room. Denize followed me. She was sleeping over all weekend.

I walked to my laptop and turned it on. I immediately logged into my Gmail. There was an email from Ryan Seacrest.

Hello Lauren,

I am sending you this email about the VMA's contest. This is the official email that you are told if you were the winner or not. We are very sorry but... CONGRADULATIONS. You won a trip to the VMA's where you can meet all those crazy fames celebrities. You can bring one other person and your airplane tickets will be in the mail tomorrow. See you soon and congratulations once again. Thanks for entering the contest.

Ryan Seacrest

I can't believe this. "AHHHHHH!"

"What happened?" Denize shouts after me with a confuse look.


"No way. You won!" Denize looked shocked and extremely happy. I nod and she soon joined me jumping the bed.

"WE ARE GOING TO NEW YORK" We shout together in total excitement.

"Wait, what are we wearing next week?" Denize stopped with worry in her face.

"We can go shopping together tomorrow. Don't worry. We'll be looking like celebrities. I'm sure they'll help us with hair and makeup." I said. I am extremely excited to see all these celebrities. To tell you the truth, I've never meet a celebrity in my life so this is blowing my mind away.

The rest of the day we spent screaming and reminding ourselves that we were going to New York.


A day before the event came. Saturday. The VMA's was airing on Sunday.

"1:30 p.m. flight to New York is ready to abort" the speakers shout.

Denize and I were ready; we had our own suitcases but we didn't have much. We were only staying for about three days. We walked toward the door and handed the lady the ticket. She scanned it and we went in taking a seat. Unfortunately, we were separated. The seats were not next to each other. I sat in the chair my ticket said and there was no one there yet. I was hopping no one got the seat next to me. I place my purse underneath my chair and pulled out my headphones and iPhone. I was about to place my headphones on when someone started talking to me.

"Hello. How are you?" This handsome boy sits next to me. He had some amazing eyes. I couldn't stop staring at them. I brought myself back to reality.

"Oh,... sorry, um, I'm good. How are you?" I said with a smile forming on my lips.

"Great. I thought I was going to get a weird person sit next to me. Thank God it's a beautiful girl" He says making me blush. This boys is so cute and sweet. I just... ugh.

"Well I am going to take a nap because I have a busy day ahead of me for tomorrow." I said smiling and looking out the window. The last thing I heard was the boy say, "Me too."

I dreamt about all these paparazzi asking me questions. It was so weird since I wasn't famous.

A couple of hours I wake up to someone shaking me slowly and softly.

"Ugh!" I manage to get out.

"Hey babe, wake up, we're here." I hear the boy's voice say.

"Okay, thanks." I stretched and I gathered all my stuff and started walking out. "Thank you for your kindness. I really appreciate it." I added.

"No problem babe, I hope I see you another time. You are very beautiful and I'd love to take you somewhere only you and I." He said with a smile in his face.

"Maybe but I really have to go sorry. That car is waiting for me and I need to leave. I hope I see you some other time." I said running toward the limo that had Denize and my name. I saw Denize running toward us and we got in the car. The driver soon took us to the hotel. There is a rumor that all celebrities were in this hotel. It was so famous and expensive, also very fancy.

We grab our stuff and headed to our room. It was a presidential suit. It was huge. I couldn't believe we got the most expensive room. I had my own bedroom and Denize had her own bedroom.

"Guess what?" I ask Denize as we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"What?" Denize asked curious.

"I meet this cute boy. He sat next to me in the airplane." I said with a smile in my face.

"Did you get his name? Phone number?" Denize asked.

"No" I said looking down. "I had to run to the car and he was told to go somewhere as soon as possible." I finished saying.

"Wow, well hopefully you can see him again." Denize said with a smile.

"So what about you? Who did you get to sit next to?" I ask.

"Well obviously you won't know him. It's not like he's a celerity that everyone knows. "

"Well, was he cute, ugly, old?" Lauren said anxious.

"He was cute. He was very handsome and had curly hair. I also didn't get his number. I regret not asking for it earlier." Denize said.

"It's alright, maybe we'll see them again. Don't worry." I said as we sat and ate dinner. Tomorrow is the big day we have been waiting for, for so long. I can't wait. We fell asleep quick. We were a bit tired so the sleep helped relax.

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