Here We Go For The First Time

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I woke up to my cell phone going crazy with my favourite song of the moment!

🎶 Let's go crazy crazy crazy, till we see the sun. I know we only met but lets pretend it's love. An never never never stop for anyone. Tonight let's get some... And live while we're young! 🎶

I stud up from laying down and reach for my phone. I didn't bother to glance at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said in a raspy voice.

"Yes, Lauren? This is Ryan."

Remembering a shot up and my eyes widen and said, "Oh, yes this is Lauren."

"Well first of all, Congratulations! How are you feeling?" He said with a cheerful voice. Wow, he must have been awake for some time now with that mood!

"I'm very excited. I've never met a celebrity and being able to met loads in a short amount of time is incredible! I can't wait. Me and my friend Denize are very excited!" I tried to speak as calm as possible. I heard Ryan laugh on the other end of the line.

"Well I'm happy I can make others satisfied. I just wanted to call to see how you were and to fill you in with important information. You need to get to this studio that I booked for you and your friend. All of the clothes you have to chose from are there and also they will be doing hair and make up at the same location. A limo will then pick you both us just in time to get to the red carpet for the VMAs!"

"Ahh! Thank you so much Ryan! We'll see you there soon! Thank you thank you so muchhh!"

"Your welcome love! See you soon! Bye."

As soon as I woke up, I screamed as loud as I could possibly. I think our hotel floor heard me, to be honest. I then hear someone slam my bedroom door open as it hit the wall with a big BAM! My eyes landed on the person who caused this. Denize.

"What the hell? Why are you screaming this early in the morning?" She said looking tired and confuse with a hint of curiosity.

" I just got off the phone with Ryan. He said that he has a studio waiting for us to do the make up and stuff for us. We should get ready and get going. They'll probably take a long time so lets hit the road asap!" I said rapidly with so much excitement.

Denize screamed with so much excitement. She must have forgot it was today too.

We got ready and hopped on a taxi to go on our way to the studio. As soon as we stepped foot in the studio, two girls came running toward us. I was a bit frightened!

I glance at Denize and she seemed to feel the same way as me.

"Hello! You must be Lauren and Denize who won the Ryan Secreast contest. We should get started really soon. Show is almost on, so we need to be quick" A girl with long light brown hair addressed us to a chair that many stylist use to style people's hair.

Without a word, we sat and they started on our make up. Of course, we aren't fans of so much make up and since we are young, they did keep it simple and natural. Just how I like it. I had on foundation, eye liner, mascara, and light eye shadows. It was very natural looking.

Next was hair. I've always wondered how celebrities had their hair so perfect and beautiful. Today I get to actually have a professional do my hair just like the celebrities. The stylist curled my hair just like Demi Lovato most of the time has it. The finishing was so beautiful. I loved everything and it made me look so different. I almost didn't recognized myself.

I look to my right to see Denize almost done.

"What do you think?" She says looking up at me.

"I love it. The make up looks amazing and your hair is beautiful. You look amazing!" I said with my honest opinion.

"Thanks. I love your make up and hair too! They are very beautiful. I love it." Denize said with a wide smile in her face.

"So ladies. Please come over to the clothes section. We have sets that we'd let you chose from for this evening's event." One of the nice stylist directs us to the back of the room.

There were so many sets but one set stood out to me. It was beautiful and perfect. I loved it!

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