Me Know You, You Know Me

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I turn towards the direction the sound of his beautiful voice was coming from. I smile looking at the handsome boy I saw a few minutes ago, before walking into the venue.


"Hey, Lauren? Right?" He says with a questioned face. The way he pronounced my name was so perfect with his beautiful british accent.

"Yea! That's right!" I smiled at him at how he remembered my name.

"I don't want to seem rude but why are you here. What I'm trying to say is if you're an artist or actor? Please don't take this in a bad way. I'm just trying to get to know you." He says with total eye contact with a smirk at the end of his words.

I laughed lightly and looked up at his gorgeous eyes.

"Well I actually was the winner to Ryan Secreast's contest. I get to walk in the red carpet, met all these celebrities and free entrance to the after party." I started twisting my thumbs with each other for how nervous I was talking to such a cute, handsome boy.

"Oh that's pretty cool. Well do you know about my band?" He says curious if I knew them. To tell you the truth They do look familiar but I can't get the tip of it. Hopefully he'll tell me.

"Um, not really. What's the name of the band?" Curiosity striking all around my head, searching for an answer.

"I'm in a band called One Direction!" He leans his arm back to show the rest of the boys next to him.

"Oh! You guys are the ones who sing 'What Makes You Beautiful'! I now remember. I love yalls music." I grin toward his direction.

"That's great babe. Thanks." He smiles and turns around when a thick Irish accent is heard shouting, "Liam!" They seemed to have started a new conversation so I turned to Denize who seemed to be having a good conversation with Chris. Well, there you go. I am so anti-social. Why? Why am I so boring? What have I done wrong?

I turn around as a reaction when someone started kicking my seat. What kind of place is this for people to be kicking seats? As soon as I turned, the one responsible for these actions was a kid. He looked so familiar until I turned to see who was next to him. Kourtney Kardashian. That meant Masson was the one kicking my seat.

Kindly I asked, "Can you please stop kicking my seat please?"

"Mommy this stranger is talking to me!" He whined but Kourtney seem to not be paying attention and neither was Scott. Annoyed, I turned around.

"Aw, babe. Why are you mad?" Liam's eyes showed how concerned he was.

I faked a smile saying, "the kid in the back keeps kicking my seat!"

"It's alright-" He was interrupted by the man who was the father of Masson: Scott.

"If you have a problem with my son, come talk to me!" Scott said directly motioning his hands towards me and yelling at my direction. I got a bit terrified and just wanted to leave.

"It's okay babe! Don't listen to him. He's a jerk. You want to go out for a walk. We are nominated for some awards but the rest of the lads can take care of that!" He smiles getting up and reaching for my hand.

"Um, I need to ask my friend because she's here with me. She won't have a ride." I said uncertain.

"You just do what you gotta do!" Liam said patiently waiting as I turned around to face Denize.

"Hey Denize! This kid in the back is bothering me and so I've decided to go take a walk. And I'm going with this guy named Liam right here. Can I go or do you need a ride? I'm not planning on going to the after party! You know I don't like drinking that much!" I smiled at her.

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