What Happened With The Rest?

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"Yea?" I turned to see him looking deeply at me.

"Um... Why don't you come to our room and wait for Denize here for when the rest of the boys get here!" He said a bit nervous for my reaction.

"Great idea!" I looked down smiling at the ground.

I walked towards him and he waited until I reached to him. He asked for my hand and we walked to the corner room.

"Here we are!" Liam said reaching his pocket for the card. He opened the door making me go in first like a gentlemen.

"Wow! What a mess you guys have!" I looked over at the couch full of food and clothes everywhere.

"Oh, um yea all of that is Louis. The rest of us are pretty organized." Liam smiled at me and I giggled. "Maybe I should start off with cleaning the couch" He walked toward the coach scooping all of Louis shirts and trousers.

"Here you go love! Now we can watch a movie!" He smiled and walked towards what I'm guessing is the kitchen.

I got up from the couch and reached for the remote. I flipped through all the channels trying to find a movie that had just started. I came across a channel that had just started playing Toy Story 3. I clicked on it and squealed a bit. Maybe a bit too loud too.

"What happened?" Liam came rushing towards me.

"Oh nothing except that Toy Story is on." I glanced at him with a big smile.

"No way. I absolutely love this movie but it's extremely sad"

"Haha. But the good thing is that we have each other to lean on." I smiled at him bitting my lip. His eyes were just so hypnotizing.

Zayn POV

Well the party has just started so we all slid in a table that seemed like a booth. Denize was with us and she was going to really experience our craziness, especially when we're drunk. Hopefully Niall remembered to bring the alcohol because no one is giving us shit here since we're "not legal" yet.

We waited as the club started to get fulled up. Almost all tables were taken up and there was a massive dance floor. I looked over at the DJ and he looked so pumped up already with some nice tattoos.

"Hey man I brought it." I hear the Irish accent and turn to my left.

"Really? Go get a drink and put some. We can share." I said a bit exited.

He walked off so not it was only Harry, Denize, Louis and I. I glance at harry and he looked a bit shy.

"What's wrong man?" I said concerned.

"Nothing it's just I think Denize is really pretty!"

"Man, go for it. She might be interested in you. You'd make a cute couple and you nee someone real who can love you for you and nothing else." I said with total honesty. Harry is a brother to me and I have his back. I tell him everything I think and I give him the wise shit I have in my brain that seems to change the way people think of things.

"Alright man, thanks." He said turning around to Denize.

Harry POV

"Hey." I started off the conversation.

"Hi. Harry right?" She said so sweet.

"Yes! And you are? Denize?" I asked.


"Um so where you from?"

"I'm from Houston, Texas."

"Oh that's cool. I've always have wanted to go there for a week so see things there." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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