Act Of Kindness

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"I know what it feels like to be depressed or have severe anxiety. I know how it feels to be alone or feel like everything doesn't make sense. It sucks, it truly does. By time I learned to cope with it, I learned to accept the moments when depression would arrive like an uninvited guest, but I also remembered that it may be an uninvited guest but it's also a temporary one too. I can't stop it from entering or make it leave but I know it will leave so I let it sink in. I let it come and engulf me but dare I not let it make me physically take any wrongful step.

I learned how to cope with it but I knew that many still haven't. It also included my friend. She started showing signs of depression and I could see that she was struggling. I tried to talk to her but she would change the subject. I wanted to tell her that I've been there too and still stand at the exact same spot at times. But she would change the subject and would never let me talk it. Plastering a smile on her face, she would say, "I'm fine" . Everything about her screamed that she wasn't. She couldn't realize how important it was for her to speak.

So I decided to take a different approach. I wrote a letter, in which I wrote how I suffered from the same thing and been in the same spot as hers. I wrote all about it. I secretly slid that note in her bag one day and wrote anonymous in the end.
The next day, she came to me suspicious and I could see it in her eyes but once again, she decided to remain quiet. I wrote another note this time. I wrote how it was temporary. I wrote how opening up to someone helps. Another note I wrote a list and in this I listed different qualities and asked her to see if she's done any of this. The list was simple and included the slightest of deeds. If I were to quote some it were '

1. Have you ever said thank you to someone for them opening the door for you?
2. Have you ever shared any of the things you had with someone who didn't?
3. Have you ever made someone smile?
4. Have you cracked jokes to make someone smile when they were sad?

I wrote plenty of more. All of these things, I knew she had done . The ones she had done for me and our other friends. All these deeds that she did everyday but she did not know how much they meant to me and how much it, themselves, helped me. She just needed a reminder of them and how much light shines within her and has shone in lives of others. I wrote plenty more notes, smaller ones and wrote a compliment not about looks but her personality. Sometimes some people rather be called beautiful than pretty. I had seen her read some at school and seen her smile. That made me smile. I wrote another telling her to speak up.

One day she finally came to me and told me she had to talk to me. That day she told me all about what she had been feeling lately. She finally spoke up. In the end she spoke, "I know those notes were by you. " I tried to pretend confused but then she spoke ahead, "don't expect me not to recognize your writing out all people." We both laughed at that and I shrugged, "Uhh sorry I guess?" We laughed again but she hugged me and thanked me and she told me that it took her some time but she finally spoke up with courage. We now talk everyday and about everything. I thank her for helping me. I tend to learn how it's a necessary to acknowledge and appreciate the one who make you feel even the slightest better that the way she did. I'm glad she talks more and I get to talk about my bad and good times too.

It's all about this more little things you do for others. Even if it's the slightest of note you write for someone or a thank you to the person. A gentle smile passed towards them or telling them how nice they've been. Every single thing matters and effects other. I really want everyone to realize it's importance. Trust me, it doesn't even take a minute to do so. "

~ Anonymous



Thank you so much for sharing another story. Thank you for being kind and thank you for doing that for your friend. I'm sure she appreciates it and so do I. Thank you for being you.

Writing small kind notes is something even I picked up and started doing. These actually are just minor things that it seems like but make a major impact. Thank you for doing and suggesting this. Thank you for spreading positivity and acknowledging the fact that feelings like depression or hopelessness may seem permanent but are completely temporary. Don't let it fool you, that time will end, you'll get through. Stay strong. Thank you for also acknowledging the need to speak up and the fact that every story is worth telling. Don't let all those words rest in your stomach and start to eat you up. Speak it out and say it.

Be kind and be gentle. Especially be kind to yourself. Your body and soul needs the gentle treatment from yourself firstly before anyone else.

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