Wardrobe malfunctions

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"Y/n why do you keep pulling your shorts up?" Asked my boyfriend hayes, laughing at me.

"They're too big"

"You don't say? Put on a smaller pair then!"

"All my shorts are like this!" I answered, making hayes even more amused.

"Wow, why did you buy them then you numpty?"

"Because I couldn't fit the smaller size over my massive thighs"

Hayes walked up to me and pointed at my thighs,"they're not massive y/n!"

"Well to the shorts they are!" He laughed even more and pulled me into hug.

"Well that still doesn't explain why you keep pulling them up"

"Well my bum is too small so my shorts always freakin fall down!"

"You're brilliant, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome"

"You know what else too y/n?"


"You need a belt."

"Hey!" I said, hitting him playfully on his shoulder and them glancing behind me,"but it's true, can we go belt shopping?"

"Sure thing, let's go!"

So we went shopping for a belt.

AN: this was my very first imagine so I promise you that this is defo not my best! They improve as the book goes on!

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