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(Yagi's P.O.V)     

                   " Aizawa-kun, why won't it wash off?!"  I ask him with my heart beating faster than usual. A sensation in my stomach was making me sick.

I look at my hands. I see the color of crimson red. I look at the corpse on the ground.

 "Oh my gosh,I fucking swear........" Aizawa says with his hands in the back of his hair clenching onto it while looking at the pool of red of his high school best friend and at Yagi's best friend from the police force, both of them like life less dummies.

       Aizawa falls to the ground throwing up while holding his stomach. I run towards him and try to control his shaking. " We need to get out of here now,no doubt that the pro hero's are going to be after us." 

I stand there in shock as he said that sentence. I kept on repeating in my head over and over and over again. I try to force my mind that it was fake , that it was all a dream.

 " Your crazy.....their going to understand......yeah, we just have to convince them that it was an accident....." I tell him.

 He grabs me by the collar and yells at me " YOU CAN'T KILL A MAN BY ACCIDENT OKAY LOOK AT WHAT WE DID HERE...look around....".  

He lets me go and falls to his knees and starts crying " T-t-this is a-a-all m-my fault.*sob*i-if o-only I ha-hadn't*hic*done w-what I did*hic*t-then we w-wouldn't be h-here*hic**sob**hic*." I extend my hand down towards him and he looks up. 

His face is a mess. He had bruises all over his face,blood squirted all over his face,lips ripped, but to Yagi's eyes he looked beautiful. 

" Don't worry we'll fix this,but right know we need to leave. He extends his hands out and holds it. "

He stands up, hugs me and whispers in my ear " I'm sorry."

 Tears are filling my eyes because i'm just as scared as he is. We start to look around for Aizawa's Hero costume,some disguises we could use and head out the door. I grab a duffel bag that was nearby and place Aizawa's hero costume inside and head off. 

I was ahead of Aizawa but I could still hear him sobbing and repeating over and over again "This is all my fault." We were running, we didn't know were but we kept running.

(Aizawa's P.O.V)

              "Aizawa why won't it wash off?!" Yagi ask's me.

 " No this can't be real...this is all a dream I was just doing groceries after having sex with Yagi, this can't be real.."

 I think to my self as I put my hands on the back of my head clenching some of my hair pacing around the room back and forth trying really hard not to look at the corpses. 

" Fuck" I say under my breath. I try to snap out of it, but I can't. "Oh my gosh, I fucking swear......."

 I try to hold back tears but I just couldn't I wanted to know that this was all fake, that none of this was real.

 I try to sound strong but it was hard not to as I tell Yagi " We need to get out of here now,no doubt that the pro hero's are going to be after us.".

 As soon as Yagi heard that he went rambling saying things that made no sense at all or maybe they did make sense but I was just not thinking straight. " Your crazy.....their going to understand......yeah, we just have to convince them that it was an accident....." He rambles.

 I grab him by his shoulders and yell at the top of my lungs  " YOU CAN'T KILL A MAN BY ACCIDENT OKAY LOOK AT WHAT WE DID HERE...look around....".

I drop towards the floor on my knees and start to cry.  " T-t-this is a-a-all m-my fault.*sob*i-if o-only I ha-hadn't*hic*done w-what I did*hic*t-then we w-wouldn't be h-here*hic**sob**hic*."

I feel a hand go down and I look up just in time to see yagi lower his hand down.

I see that his face is a mess with blood his eyes are red and ready to pour tears but in my eyes all I saw was an angel before me.

  " Don't worry we'll fix this,but right know we need to leave. He extends his hands out and holds it. "  

I stand up and whisper in his ear "Sorry...".

I was sorry for many things, things that I can't explain.

I saw his eyes welling up with tears and I was able to immediately tell that he was scared because of the expression in his eyes.  We start to look for my hero costume. Yafi grabs a duffle bag that was nearby and stuffed my hero costume inside.

As we go outside repeating within sobs  "This is all my fault." I repeated multiple times because I knew that if I wouldn't have been ambitious then none of this would have happened.

We ran off towards darkness. We didn't know were but we ran as fast and as far as we could.

One thing Yagi and I knew is that we were about to watch as our world fell and become number one wanted criminals.

Connected Feelings - An Erasermight fanficWhere stories live. Discover now