Chapter 4

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Aizawa P.O.V

                I rush out of Yagi-kun's front door. I was a crying mess. There was a pain that was coming directly from my heart I ignore the pain and run thru people as I try to get somewhere quiet. I run into a dark alleyway. I go to the center of the alleyway and crouch down against the wall. I place my face on my knees. I cry nonstop, I didn't understand why though. 

" He's just a man. He means nothing, absolutely nothing, but why, why am i crying."

I rested my head on the wall behind me as I stood up. I see a stray cat crawl up towards me. I turn my head towards the cat. It was a bright yellow color. I smile as the cat reminded me of Yagi-kun. I bent over and pet the cat. It bit my hand and I let out a yelp. 

" Stupid cat........Ugh"

I held my stomach as a terrible pain swept my whole body. My stomach had a weird sensation. My heart started to pound rapidly and my legs went wobbly. I suddenly hear people screaming for help, they are running everywhere uncontrollably like mice when the lights turn on in an abandoned house. I stagger towards the comotion while I still clutch my stomach. Everyone was staring up at a building with their phones videotaping the scenery. I look up and squint my eyes to see what was going on, and what I saw made my heart skip a beat.


Yagi P.O.V

            I wake up to screams, threats, and a strong hand grabbing my neck. I look around and see that I am being held at the edge of a tall building. I try hard to turn my head, my eyes meet some emerald colored eyes. Their face was covered by a black mask and was dressed in gray. His eyes looked familiar. I turn my head around and look down. I was at least twenty-two stories up high. I start to panic as the grip on my neck tightens even more. I hack up blood and groan in pain. 

" What do want from me!?*gasp*.. I'll give you anything......*gasp*....... Just let me live!!"

" Who knew that one day the symbol of piece where to one day beg for his life. You know, I have always hated you. From the moment we've met."

" But you don't even know me..."

" Oh you do, but you will never find out who I am....Good bye Yagi... "

" Wait how do you-"

Too late, before I finished my sentence he loosened his grip around my throat and I was falling twenty- two stories high. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. I new that it was early morning so no hero was going to be in my aid to save me and I doubt that some one from the crowd was going to save me. I stare at the sky and close my eyes as I brace for impact because I knew it was going to hurt and I knew I wouldn't survive. My whole life flashed before my eyes as I felt myself getting closer and closer to the ground. I smile and let out a sigh as I take in my last few breaths.



Aizawa's P.O.V

         My legs acted by themselves as I see Yagi-kun getting closer and closer to the ground. I leap from the sides of buildings and up higher and higher. I start to get closer and closer to him. I see him smile and just look up at the sky. 

" What the fuck is up with this dude why is he so fucking happy. He's about to die."

I was still pretty far from him. I was dwelling with the thoughts in my mind. A part of me wanted to save him, but my other half was telling me to let him die.

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