Chapter 3

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Yagi's P.O.V

             We rushed into my room not breaking the kiss. He pushed me towards the bed and I fell on the soft cushion. He quickly took his shirt off and layed on top of me kissing me passionately. We broke the kiss as we gasped for air. I took off my shirt and threw it close to where his shirt was. He places his leg in between mine. I feel my dick getting harder by each second. 

" You're hard."

" Huh!? H-how do y-you know?"

I was embarrassed, I mean of course he knows I'm hard. I feel him unbutton my pants and unzips my zipper. He pulls my pants down. His hand is slowly running through my hair as he also pulls my boxers down. He taps the top of my dick. I let out a small gasp. He starts to slowly rub it up and down. 

" isn't all....mgh...."

" What do you mean? You're enjoying it"

" That's're....mgh...shit...Aizawa-kun i'm gonna-"

Before I finish his lips crash onto mine as I ejaculate. Moans escape as I feel pleasure going thru my body. I place my hands n his sides and run my hands up towards his chest. I feel his nipples and start playing with them. His head flings up and a loud moan escapes his mouth. I quickly without thinking took the chance to be on top. I quickly but carefully undressed his other half of his body and take of my shirt.

" What am I doing!? I need to stop but it's as if my body is acting on its own! SHIT!!"

I attempted to get away but as soon as I got off I was pulled back down. I panicked and started to squirm. He pins my arms down with one hand and started to grind on me. I tried to hold back the pleasure, but the more I tried the more satisfying he made me feel.

" Hng....agh..*moan**pant*..."

" You liking it huh....Toshi?"

He stopped, looked at me and smiled. I didn't even realize that he placed my legs behind his back and was ready to place it inside me. I opened my mouth to beg him to not but was stopped as I felt his dick go up my ass. I yell out in pain and pleasure. He slowly starts to thrust it in and out. I feel it hurt but it was at the same time satisfying. Tears well up on my eyes from the pain.

" Aizawa-kun...*pant* please st-"

I arch my back as I feel a sensation of pleasure different than last time. I let out a loud moan and saw Aizawa-kun grinning.

" I've hit the jackpot....."

" What does he me-"

I didn't even finish my thought when the same sensation hit me again. My stomach felt all warm and mushy. I then realized he hit my G-Spot. I never knew it was so powerful. My back was arched all the way. He that spot over and over again never missing it once.

" Toshi .....I.....*pant*.....I-i'm...gonna-c-cum.."

" Mgh...*moan*...ah...*pant*...*moan*...*gasp*..."

I tried to speak but couldn't from all of it. I hear and see Aizawa-kun arch his back and feel a warm substance inside me. Beads of sweat roll down through out my body. Aizawa-kun had already pulled it out and was trying to gather it all in. I took this chance to quickly escpe before anything else happens. I quickly get up and felt a hand grab my wrist. I jerk my head around and see Aizawa-kun lying down in exhaustion. 

" Stay."

" This Isn't right. You're just my work colleague that's it, nothing more."

" So you mean that the kiss at the park was......unintentional?"

" Yes....I mean No....look i really don't know if it was unintentional or not but the point is that we are nothing more than friends."

When I say that there was a pang out pain going thru my heart.I try to ignore it as I go to my clothes that were thrown halfway across the room and put them on. I see that Aizawa-kun was hurt too. I toss him his clothing and head out my bedroom door.  I was opening the door knob when I hear small whimpers. I turn around and see an Aizawa-kun with pants on, long sleeve on his hands and with tears running down his cheeks. 

" What happened? Did I lie about something or did I say it to harsh?"

" S-so..*sniff* th-there w-was n-no possibility of a-an us? So d-does *sniff* th-this mean that you were just p-playing with*sniff* m-m-my f-feelings the w-whole time.....?"

" No. That isn't true at all."

I go up to him to give him a hug but was shoved back by him. Another pang of pain hit me in the heart. I ignored it. I focus more on Aizawa-kun who was in sadness and fury at the same time. I attempt to get close to him.


He swings a punch at me and it lands on my side. Exactly where I had my injury at. I land on the floor with both hands trying to hold my injury. Some blood is running from my mouth, I see as I turn a blurry image of Aizawa-kun placing his long-sleeve over his head while grabbing his scarf rushing out the bedroom door. I struggle to stand up as I walk towards the bedroom door and towards the main door. I hear a door open and shut.

" No...don't go...Please.....I-I'm sorry...just p-please don't leave..."

I fall to the ground. Another pang of pain hit's my heart and wondered what it was. I what to get up but the pain was to strong. The words that he told me cause me even more pain. 

" Why? Why does it hurt? What is this feeling? Why did have to end like this? "

I drag myself to my coffee counter where my phone was placed. I got it and called Recovery Girl. I prayed that she would pick up.

" Hello good morning Yagi-san. What happened that you call me early this morning?"

" Recovery girl come to my place quick... I need you to take a look at my injury."

" I'm on my way."

I hang up and place it back on the table. I struggle myself to sit on the couch. The pain was getting worse by every minute. Before I know it the pain makes my vision blurry. The last thing that I hear is someone break a window and someone dressed in dark colors before I black out.


Please don't be mad at me I really wanted to update yesterday but I had errands to run since I'm planning to become a novelist sooner or later but yeah. See you people next Tuesday. Hopefully. Here is something to repay my debt.

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