Chapter 6

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Elvis POV

Hmm. There is new female in house. She have hot dogs? No. But she nice. Not bad. But Sabeena no like her. Dapnee do like her. Puk do like her, too. She make pwetty sounds. I'm hungry.

Puck POV

For some reason, Sabrina hates Lulu. As if that wasn't obvious. So Lulu has been spending a ton of time in our room. She doesn't want anything bad to happen between them. I think she is writing her own song. She's been strumming both her guitars-electric and acoustic-, using her laptop to create beats and etc.  But this morning she came for breakfast for the first time. Henry went ballistic in asking questions.

"How old are you?"


"When did you get here again?" "Who are you again?"

"Hank, quit it. The poor girl is in boiling water with Sabrina. She hates the girl!" Jake says to Henry.

"Hmm, I guess it hurts to learn someone's name here." Lulu mumbles. Sabrina tromps down the steps. Lulu swings her hair back and puts her earbuds in. I know she is listing to music to tune out everyone. She gets up from the table and sits on the couch. She needs some time, I guess. Me, on the other hand, I'm gonna keep on eating.

"Good morning everyone." Sabrina says. I ignore her and keep on eating. Lulu, in the background, lays down completely on the couch. She curls into a ball.

"No, Elvis, you can't have MY food." marshmello tells the Great Dane. The dog looks at me.

"Well, not MINE either!" I say after shoving some food into my mouth. Sabrina looks back at Lulu. She narrows her eyes. "Donkey dung, don't think about it!" I snap. Lulu hears, and shoots me a smile.

"You don't tell me what to do, stinkpot." she retorts.

"So you are going to do something?" I challenge. She makes a small squeaking noise. I look back at Lulu. I give her a look. She nods. She then gets up, and runs up the stairs. She is rigging up a prank for Sabrina. She just understands me like that.

"Where is she going?" Sabrina raises an eyebrow.

"How am I supposed to know?" I finish the food on my plate. Then I grab the wooden serving spoon and smack Sabrina on her head.

"OW! I'm going to get you for that!" she screeches.

"Well, you'll have to GET me first!" I laugh and run up the stairs. Now, she is definitely going to follow me. I open the door to my room. I can already hear Sabrina's angry footsteps.

"Lulu, did you rig the trap?" I gasp, Sabrina's footsteps becoming closer.

"Yeah. Watch that patch of grass. If she steps on it, she will go flying, and into a vat of some pickle-y substance I found." she points to a patch of grass. I smirk.

"Good choice on the pickle mayonnaise and other sauce." I smile.

"PUCK!" Sabrina yells from the hall. Lulu grabs my hand. She and I run to a large patch of palm trees, and we climb them. Sabrina opens the door.

"Puck!" she steps forward onto the patch of grass. A thin, white string pulls Sabrina's ankle and pulls her into the air. Then Lulu pulls a string identical to the one holding Sabrina by the ankle, and it flings Sabrina into the vat of pickle mayo.

"PUCK!! UGHH!!" Sabrina yells at the top of her lungs. Daphne opens the door. She leaps over the patch of grass and to Sabrina in the vat. "Daphne! Help! Puck put me in this gunk again!" Sabrina shrieks. Marshmello shuffled her feet.

"Well... You have been a jerkazoid to his sister!" Daphne yells back at Sabrina. Lulu nudges me.

"This is taking a turn. You okay with it?" she whispers.

"Sabrina hates when Daphne is mad at her. This is better than I could hope!" I whispered back.

"Why are you so mean to someone you don't even really know?" Daphne yelled. Sabrina looked like she was hiding something. And I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

"Can you just get me out of this gunk?" Sabrina asks. Marshmellow nods. She helps Sabrina out of the vat. When they pass our palm tree, Sabrina sees me.

"PUCK! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Sabrina shrieks. She jumps, grabs Lulu's arm and pulls her from the palm tree. Lulu groans. Sabrina had just kicked her head.

"GRIMM! YOU'D BETTER GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER, OR THINGS ARE GOING TO GET A LOT MORE UGLY!" I yell. I jump from the tree, but Sabrina gets to me first. She grabs Mr. Stabby from my belt and hits me on the head. Hard. I'm dizzy... Lulu pops up. Classical playing hurt. Then she shouts.


Lulu POV

Okay, so I didn't tell anyone about Noe yet. But they know now. I guess you could call Noe an Everafter. He's 4,012, like me and Puck. He helped me escape. Now, all I have to do is yell for him, and he will appear.

Noe appears next to me with a comical pop. He got that sound affect himself.

"You called?" he whispers. He noticed Sabrina yelling like a madwoman at Puck, and Puck himself crumpled up into a ball. Daphne saw him too, but I gestured for her to come.

"Daphne, I'll explain later." I tell her. She smiles. "Now, can you get everyone from downstairs?" she nods and runs off.

"Noe, can you distract Sabrina?" I ask. He nods the walks off. He crouches behind her, then yells. See, that's why I like him so much. He's unpredictable. Sabrina, startled, turns around. She looks at Noe, a tall, brown haired boy, also in an twelve-year-olds form, with deep brown eyes and tanish skin like mine. I scurry towards Puck.

"Who are you?" Sabrina thinks she has the advantage here. Yeah, right.

"Who am I? Who are YoU?" Noe asks raising an eyebrow. I pick Puck up. The door opens. Henry, Veronica, Relda, Daphne, Mr. Canis, Red and Jake all come in at the same time,

"My job is done." Noe gives me a hug, then disappears.

"What is happening?" Relda cries.

"Oh, I'll let Daphne tell you! Now I'm going to try and figure out what that monster did to my brother!" I yell, pointing at Sabrina. I turn around and lay Puck down. I put my hand on his forehead, and it's freezing. We'll need Faerie Folk for this.

"Well, when I came in, Sabrina was in a tub of stinky stuff. It was another one of Puck's pranks, he is well, Puck. Then I helped Sabrina out, and then she grabbed Lulu and hurt her, then she hit Puck hard on the head with a wooden sword.."

"And we'll need to find Faerie Folk to fix him! Because, Sabrina, you gave him a brutal Faerie type concussion. And those are fatal!" I quickly added.

"Sabrina Grimm." Relda says firmly. "Go get cleaned up. Jacob, get the Vorpal Blade. Mr. Canis, start up the car. We are going to New York. Henry, Veronica and Red, stay in the house. Lulu, I'm so sorry. Sabrina will be punished for this." They all leave.

"Noe?" I whisper. He appears next to me, legs crossed, sitting down.

"Need a friend?" he puts his arm around my shoulder.


We are all in the car. Going to Faerie. Thankfully, Relda let Noe come too.

Hii!! I hope all of you enjoyed this!! And.......... THANK YOU FOR 194 READS!!

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