Chapter 6:Nothing More,Nothing Less

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<Hey my WonderfulWaffles!All I can really say is,enjoy!<Kristine> >




gramma and english issues


Tom has been nicer to me latley.Probably because I f-cked him.I don't like him.Right?I just needed his forgivness.I used to have feelings...Used to.I'll make that clear to him today.Edd and Matt are out,again.Ever since they f-cked in the closet,they've been going out way more.Which I had to clean by MYSELF!

I walk out of my shared room with Tom and downstairs.He's on the couch drinking a bottle of Smirnoff watching "The Children".I plop down next to him."Hey Thomas?"

He turns to me."Wot."

"Can we talk?"

He turns off the tele."Sure."

"Listen,I've noticed that ever since our little,"Shower Episode"you've been noticbly nicer to me,"He begins to blush."No,no,no.Stop the little blushing.I'm being serious.Thomas.You mean a lot to me.As a friend.Nothing more.Nothing less."I let the words sink into him.All he does is turn the tele back on and shrug.



"You okay?"

"Peachy."His words are convincing until I notice the little tears forming at the corners of his 'eyes'."Tom,I-"

"I t-told you I'm fine!Go watch some of your preverted Hentai!Or sm-smoke,or somthing!"His words tremble as the tears fall down his face,pretending not to notice.I decide to pursue his wish,and watch some Hentai on my phone in the backyard.


Nothing more.Nothing less.Tord's words echo in my mind.F-ck.I had started crying.Why do I feel this way?It felt as if my heart had been shattered into hundred of peices.I don't love him,do I?Then why do I feel this way?!?

I repeat the question in my mind,over,and over as I run into me and Tord's shared room.


Me and Matt have come back from our date.He's gone to his room after giving me a peck on the cheek(FACE YOU SINNERS)-I giggle as he runs up the stairs.I grab a cola from the kitchen and sip on it in peaceful silence.


As I skip out the kitchen I notice Tord coming in from the backyard.

"Hey Tord?'

"Oh,hey Edd.How was the date?"

"Oh uh,great!But uh,where's Tom?And why is it so quiet?"

"I don't know.And I don't know if Tom's okay with me saying anything."

"Well,go find and ask him."



"He probably doesn't want to see me right now."

"Well,either you're going to find him and talk.Or, we can can a little,'family' discussion."


"Good."I walk to my room satisfied.

Timeskip to room cuz im lazee and Tord's POV

I enter the room.All the lights are off making it hard to see.I turn on the light switch.


"...sniffle..."I hear him sniff in the corner of the room.I close the door and head over to him.He has his knees folded to his chest,hugging his knees.He has tear marks on his face.And a half emty (Or half full ;) )-Bottle of Smirnoff next to him.

Oh,what have I done?Why is he like this?!


"W-what do you*hIiC!* want,c-commie?"He stutters and hiccups holding back tears.

"Tom if you want to cry you might aswell."I sit down to his level,still a bit taller in comparision.

Tom launches himself at me and cries like a waterfall.He smells like Smirnoff but I couldn't give a f-ck.I felt so guilty.Why?Why did I feel so guilty?Why?!

All I did was stroke the back of his head and rubbed circles into his back to comfort him

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All I did was stroke the back of his head and rubbed circles into his back to comfort him.I whispered sweet,little,nothings into his ear because of the guilt that clawed at me.

"..don't'll be alright.....hush now...shhhhhhh....."

Soon enough he fell asleep.I felt tired.I fell asleep cradiling Tom.After all it meant nothing.

Nothing more.Nothing less.....right?

<All I can say is,I got da feels.Sorry that its bad.Im really tired.{600 Words}<Kristine> >

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