Am I not Enough Part2

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a.n I'm going to write in POV for this chapter ('cause it's easier for me)

Aso TRIGGER WARNING but I hope you enjoy!

POV Dave

I sat on the cold hard floor as tears streamed down my hot puffy cheeks. My wrists were bleeding heavily and I started to feel lightheaded.

I don't want to feel this way anymore, I don't want to feel this pain. This loneliness. Nobody cares about me and nobody ever will. So what's the point? What's the point of living if I'm in constant pain? I don't want to live a life where I'm not happy. They don't need me. Nobody needs me. Why am I still alive even? Why am I still breathing?

With those thoughts poisoning my mind I shakily stood up. Everything blurred and swirled in front of me as if I was on a merry go round.

On the ceiling, there was a beam that extended from one wall and ended at the wall opposite it.

That would do. That would do perfectly, I thought as I found a chair and brought it over, placed it under the beam and then stepped on it as I continued to slowly take off my cape, seeing as I was wearing my God Tier outfit, and slung it over the beam and wrapped it tightly around my neck. Tight, tight, tight.

The world was spinning and my body was shaking, colours blurring together like a watercolour painting.

I thought I heard someone scream my name but it was as if cotton had been shoved in my ears, muffling every sound.

And then I jumped. Jumped off the chair and the cape tightened with a loud SNAP. The air was quickly cut off from my lungs and soon they started screaming for oxygen. Everything was going dark and again I thought I heard someone screaming my name. Too late now. It was all too late now as I finally, finally, succumbed to the darkness.

KarKats POV

But what happened next was something I would never forget for as long as I lived.

It was Dave, he was covered in red sticky blood oozing from his wrists and onto the floor. His sobs got louder and heavier as he slowly stood and retrieved a chair from the corner of the room bringing it so it was under the big beam on the ceiling. I was curious to what he was doing as my stupid think pan had not figured it out yet. Until he tired his cape around the beam. Until he tired his cape around his neck.

Then it clicked, then it finally clicked. He was going to hang himself. He was going to kill himself. Right here, right now. 

No no no no no no this couldn't be happening!  

"DAVE!" I screamed but he didn't hear me. I started running to him. Running as fast as I could. But I was too late because he jumped. He jumped and an audible SNAP echoed around the room.

"NO, DAVE!" I screamed as I rushed over to his hanging body. I got up onto the chair and pulled out my favourite sickle and sliced his cape in half. His body instantly dropped to the ground and so did I as I scrambled madly down from the chair beside him. Lifting his head in my arms as silent tears dribbled down my cheeks.

"Dave," I whispered. "Dave please, wake up. Please wake up. for me? please for me? You're okay. Breathe. Just breathe. Open your eyes. Come back. It's okay. Wake up. Please wake up. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. I love you so fucking much. Come back."

But his eyes didn't open. He didn't do anything. And just like that, my world shattered into a million little pieces as I pulled him closer and cried into his soft hair. In my delirious crying, I heard a groan and someone say, "KarKat, is that you?"

It sounded a lot like Dave. Oh gosh, I'm so sad I'm even hearing his voice. Then I felt a cold hand come up and cup my cheek. Opening my eyes I saw Dave smiling up at me and all I saw was red. Red red red. Because his shades were off and I was looking into his eyes. And may I say that they were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. But most importantly, he was alive!

"Hey, why are you crying? Did something happened?" asked Dave. I really wanted to sap him. Slap him and his beautiful face and his mesmerizing eyes.

" You." I whispered back."You happened and I never want it to happen again. I just want you with me. Want you by my side so I know you're safe."

A flash of recognition passed across his features as he remembers what he did.

"I'm so sorry KarKat. So so sorry."  A choked sob escaped his throat. "It hurt so much. I was in so much pain. And no one cared so what was the point?"

Just as he said that anger flared up inside of me as I yelled. 


I bit my lip and looked away as I muttered. " Because I love you."  

It was like the whole world had slowed down as our lips met for a soft and passionate kiss. My heart exploded with happiness. But all too soon, it was over, but not until my ears were graced with a sentence I never thought anyone would ever say to me.

"I love you too, KitKat."

And in that moment, all I wanted, all I needed, was him. Was Dave. And I knew that life was about to get a whole lot better.

a.n Haha so bad I'm so sorry it was crap but yeah. Here you go. I'm thinking of writing a massive make-out session for the next one-shot, what do you guys think? Anyhoo, I hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you next time! Tally ho!


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