Put me down!

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Right now our two little precious children are currently snuggled together on a bed both sleeping in because it was a peaceful Saturday and neither had work they need to go to.

It was currently about 1:32 in the afternoon and none of the two had left the bed once, both too wrapped up in the sheets and enjoying each others company. KarKat had his head resting atop of Dave's chest as their legs were entangled together while Dve had KarKats soft purring ringing in his ears.

Even though Dave thoroughly enjoyed being a lazy ass and just lounging around with his arms wrapped around his little KarKitten, he knew that they would both have to get up eventually.

So after about 10 minutes of procrastination, Dave stroked the small trolls cheek whispering that it was time that they both got up.

"NO." KarKat murmured and buried his face deeper into the scrunched up fabric that was Dave's shirt.

"I know how you feel, trust me, I wanna stay here with you just as much as you want to with me, but we have to get up eventually, we can't just stay here forever, unfortunately." sighed Dave as he pulled back the blankets that had been tightly swathed around them.

"NOoOOoOo!!" KarKat whined trying to pull the covers back up saving whatever warmth there was left and latching onto the blond.

"KitKat, stop making this hard for me, come on just get up it's not that hard."

Dave tried to tug the sheets out of KarKats hands while nudging him to get up but only getting a smack on the armed and a yell saying,


"What!? It's not that cold out! And you're not even an animal!" Dave shouted poking the nubby smoll bean in the cheek in an attempt to annoy him enough that he would get up, but no avail.

"I CAN BE WHAT I WANT TO BE!" KarKat said while swatting Dave's had away from his face pulling the sheets up over his head, submerging his entire body in the fabric-y material.

The two argued back and forth, bickering and nagging like little children.

"Just get out of bed!"


"You cannot stay here forever!"


"Get up."


"Get up!"


This went on for about 15 minutes until Dave finally gave up and decided to take matters into his own hands since persuasion was obviously out of the question seeing how obstinate KarKat was being.

"Ugh...That's it, you've asked for this," mumbled Dave as he scoops KarKat up into his arms and lifting him off the bed bridal style. KarKat was not expecting this sudden course of action as he gasps and wraps his arms around Dave's neck afraid the other was going to drop him onto the floor.


"No," Dave says smugly getting up and walking out of the room carrying KarKat into the living room, carefully moving himself to sit on the couch and placing KarKat gently into his lap.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! I WAS COMFY IN THE HUMAN BED! NOW I'M COLD!" spluttered Karkles angrily.

"Cold you say?" smirks Dave, "Well that is easily fixed."

Dave then wraps KarKat in his God Tier cape, knowing that this makes the other feel safe and happy.

"How's that? Better?" Dave whispers in KarKats ear as KarKat cuddles in the cape, purring gently in content.

"Better." KarKat softly replies.

a.n haha sorry it's been a bit since I updated, so here you go. Nothing special just some cute time filling thing. Enjoy!

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