Fell For Me

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Karkats POV

Oh fuck, how in the world am I going to go up these stairs while carrying my coffee, 3 books and my laptop tuckered under my arm? I can already see this ending badly. Releasing a deep sigh I build up what little courage I have and start making my way up the stairs. 

I make it up the first step without any trouble and continue my careful climb to the top. About halfway up I start to get more confident, seeing as I haven't dropped anything or fallen to my death. Good job me!

But just then my luck ran out as I miscalculated a step and felt my foot slip underneath. Everything turned into slow motion as I felt my body start to fall forwards so I jerk back trying to steady myself but my instead weight was too much as I started to then fall backwards.                    Either way I fall, I'm still screwed.

Oh gog, this is how I'm gonna die, isn't it? Just fucking great. Someone's going to find my corps at the bottom of the stairs covered in coffee with all my romcom books strewn about. What a shitty way to die.

With my arms flailing about uncontrollably, my coffee went flying in one directing and I heard it smash agaist the floor while my laptop and books tumbled in another direction.

I felt the air whoosh past me as I came closer and closer to making contact with the ground. I closed my eyes, squeezing them tightly shut, waiting for the impact........but nothing happened.

When I opened my eyes I came face to face with a chest, There was a broken record on the front of the shirt which leads down to some old jeans and converse shoes.

"Nice trip there KitKit?" Dave asked?

I growled up at him and his remark and told him to fuck off.

"Aww that's not very nice," he sulked "I don't even get a thank you?"

Realising a pain filled sigh I grumbled a small 'thank you' at the shade wearing douche. Because even though he can be annoying and a charismatic flirtatious piece of shit, he did still catch me and save me from what I would only assume to be a painful landing.

I was still being held in his arms as he looks down at me as smirks.

"If I didn't know better," he says in a low husky voice, giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"I think you just.......fell for me." He winks.

I feel my face grow hot as I mumble at him to put me down.

Dave surprisingly does what he's told (for once) and complies, releasing me from his grip, placing me gently on my feet. He then continues to pick up my laptop (which was remarkably undamaged) and gathers my books. Nothing can be done for the coffee though. The mug had shattered upon impact with the ground, spilling the hot liquid everywhere.

We then spend the next 15 minutes cleaning up the mess while arguing and flirting at the same time. After all the shards of glass are in the bin and the coffee mopped up I turn to Dave and say,

"Thank you for catching me."

Surprised at my sincerity he glances over at me and puts both his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes. 

"Well, I couldn't just let you fall. That would be a real dick move, and contrary to popular belief, I do have feelings and care about the people I love."

Oh, that's nice- wait care's about people he loves?!?!? Dave must have realized what he said as a faint blush appears on his cheeks as he stutters, "W-what I meant was that you're my f-friend and best bro a-and all so I just-" he continues to awkwardly rub his neck and not meet my gaze.

But I wasn't listening, instead, I get up on my tip toes while gently grabbing his chin and bringing his face down towards mine, our lips are just a breaths width away from touching and I hear his breathing catch before he closes the distance between us. It's like everything just melts away and the colours and sounds around us blur together until it's only him and our lips that I can feel.

When we pull apart it takes all of my willpower to not kiss him all over again. Instead, I lift up his shades, revealing his red ruby eyes while bringing my hand up to rub my thumb softly under his right eye. 

We stand there for a minute, hearts beating frantically, breathing fast, stomachs full of fluttering butterflies. Until he lets out a small huff of laughter and a smile graces those beautifully soft lips of his and he tugs me towards the couch.

What happens next, you don't need to know. Only that I would do it over and over again if it meant I could see him smile like that forever.

a.n Here ya goooooooo!! Haha, hope you guys enjoy and WOW OVER 300 VIEWS THANKS!!! I didn't think you guys would actually read this trash but thank so much for reading it. Don't forget to comment and vote and have a great day!

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