Post Credits

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Its been probably a good couple months since Loki left to Asgard. Do I miss him and his ridiculous schemes? Yes. Yes I do.

I have managed to get a normal desk job at a company on Wall street to help support me. I even moved back in with April.

Ever since the whole "murdering my dad" incident we have been inseparable.

So here we are, laying on her bed, her head on my chest while she reads her English books for her college classes. I've always been so proud of her, keeping her social life and her school life so balanced.

I have been feeling in a somewhat of a rutt. It's just the same thing every single day, every week. My life has been in need of a little adventure. Some action!

"Hey April?" I run my fingers through her hair.

"What's up?"

I let out a bit of a sigh. "Want to do something absolutely crazy?"

"Like what," she turns her head towards me, eyebrows pressing together.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" April asks me. I managed to drag her to some cheap drug store.

"Totally. Did you grab the scissors?"

She nods.

I look at the various boxes of different colored hair dye. They have been arranged from the darkest of colors down to the lightest. And then I see it.

A box containing a model with light blue hair. She looks almost like me, except she's just whiter.

"No," April says behind my back, "not happening."

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at her. "You don't get to tell me what to do missy."

"I know but," she takes a box of black hair dye, "I'm here to be your guide. I'm your fairy godmother!"

I roll my eyes and grab the blue hair dye. "We're doing this."

Back at our apartment, I lay out the hair dye and scissors. I sit in front of April's v5anity with an old dirty shirt.

"Okay, we'll start with the cut." April grabs the scissors and starts cutting away at my long hair. It use to reach the top of my butt, and she managed to cut it to my mid back.

"Actually," I grab the scissors from her and grab my hair in my hand, "I was thinking like this."

It takes a few tries but finally I cut off the entire bottom part of my hair. In the mirror, my hair reaches just below my shoulders.

"Oh my god!" April gasps. "You didn't!"

"I sure did."

She sighs and stares at me disapprovingly from the vanity. "Your beautiful, long hair," she gestures to the bits that now litter the floor, "gone."

I shrug. "Out with the old, in with the new."

April rolls her eyes but touches up the places I can't see so that it is even. "You're an actual psychopath."

"Yeah, but I embrace it."

I mix the bleach in a small bowl and begin to layer it onto my head. I wrap it up into a clip. "God it burns."

"Its what you deserve!"

After about 45 minutes April washes out the bleach in our kitchen sink. Then we head back to the vanity and she starts layering the blue hair dye onto my head.

"You sure you don't want to stay blonde? The bleach did you good." April smiles, her delicate hands finding every single hair.

I laugh. "Nah, you're the blonde in this relationship."

Another hour or so passes by and April washes out the dye. "I can't believe this."

She doesn't let me see until she blow drys and curls it. And then finally she turns me around.

My hair is soft and the part falls to the left. The blue is a striking mix of lights and darks.

I look nothing like my old self.

"What do you think?" April stands back, smiling ever so slightly, examining me in the mirror.

"I think it looks... great," I say, touching it and running my fingers through it. I don't even recognize me, but it looks amazing.

"I think so too!" April chirps. "You look like one of those girls you see on the street and go, 'wow, she's stylish.'"

I chuckle and raise an eyebrow at her. "I was already one of those girls."

"In those sweatpants and hoodies? Girl..."

"Hey! You don't know how hard it is to rock a hoodie and sweats man, I make it look good."

She laughs and shakes her head. "Alright, sure, whatever you say." She runs her fingers through my hair, admiring her work. "I'm a genius, I should start a business."

"At cutting hair?"

"Sure, why not."

April and I are taken back by the sound of a large explosion outside. We hear the crashing of a building and the screams of civilians.

"You ready for your first outing?" April smiles at me, already tying her mask to her face.

I place my hands to my eyes, feeling the ash cover my skin. "This isn't gonna happen often, you got that?"

Okay this is officially the end! Thank you all for reading! See you soon!

-Sweets & Peaches

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