$ i could give you all my love $

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:Author's Pov:

Joe panicked and an unfamiliar feeling of grief struck him in his chest. The buzz of the TV and the flat line sounded like a orchestra in Joe's ears. Jon started to look paler by the minute.

But just when he was about to give up all hope, a noticeable beep was heard in the room. He looked to see the heart monitor start to pulse. Joe felt his own relax and yet he was worried though, because hie eyes hadn't opened yet.

Then finally a few doctors ran in and relaxed when they saw he was okay. They checked on Jon and changed his IV bag. Joe waited hours into the night for him to wake up and open the blue devilish eyes of his, but he never did.

He fell asleep sometime in the night, with his hand holding tightly onto Jon's.

@@6 hours later@@

Jon woke up and tried to sit up but the pounding in his head forced him back. But another weight held him back too, Joe's head was resting on his chest.

Jon's heart monitor went through the roof, as his cheeks reddened and his heart beat sped up, he thought that he could have been waking up to that everyday. But he could never have the guts to admit his feelings.

" I could be the one loving you Joe..." He sighed, Jon relaxed and twirled Joe's long black hair for entertainment.

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