The morning after...

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((A/N; Okay okay, so I'm going to have a short kankri moment and say THIS IS BERY TRIGGERING THIS JUNK IN HERE THE WRITER SUCKS CAUSE SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND HOW TRIGGERING THIS IS!!!>:O *done* okay on to the chapter!!))

Jon felt around the bed for Joe. He sprung up when he felt nothing. He was alone. All alone.

He felt himself curl into the fertile position, tears rolled down his cheeks. He cursed at himself, he is an emotional wreck.

He is so used to being the emotionally strong one. Just like he was in the shield, going into the army with his best friends, his brothers, the one man he was in love with and that other guy.

((A/N; sorry I had to...:3))

He got up and pain shot through him, he could barely stand. He whimpered, and he stood up through the pain walked into the bathroom. Unable to take it anymore he took some pain pills and filled up the tub for a bath.

He felt the pain wash away, almost literally, when he stepped into the tub. He sighed and let more tears fall. He let sobs escape his mouth, Joe didn't love him, he was a liar.

His eyes began to feel heavy, he shut his eyes for a moment and they never opened again.

"Jon? Jon come on wake up!" He heard an annoyed voice echo. He was being shaken. Then he realized the tub was freezing he groan awake.

"Thank god, for a second I considered calling the hospital to take you in!" Joe laughed as Jon got up.

"Where were you?" Jon pouted, Joe's laughter stopped they stared at each other. Joe seemed to know what Jon was thinking when he woke up.

"Jon," Joe placed a hand on his cheek as he spoke. " I would never leave you, I love you. I just went to the store cause you are really bad with food. Seriously? All you ever eat is cereal and pudding cups?" Joe smiled and kissed his head.

"And Jell-o cups..." Jon smiled.

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