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//Mikey's POV//

"Hey, could I have a round of shots?" I ask the bartender. She was a beautiful woman, around my age. Maybe a couple years younger. My guess is she's about 24. Her eyes were a bright blue that went with her dark blue hair. Her hair was shaved on one side. The side that wasn't shaved went down to her shoulders. She had a diamond-shaped face that fit her full lips, that were colored dark red by her lipstick, and button nose perfectly.

I leaned over the counter a little, noticing her pale complexion and faint freckles that were sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. Her black eyeliner brought the blue out in her eyes, making her even more attractive.

Our faces were only inches apart at this point. I could see the grin spread across her face.

"Sure thing, dear," she replied, pulling away and starting to get my shots of tequila ready, "So, you here with some friends?"

"Nope. By myself." I answer. She raises an eyebrow.

"Oh? All these shots just for you?"

I know I'm already a bit tipsy because if I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to say what I'm about to say, "Well, I was hoping you would join me, Love."

I watched her grin return as she looked around, noticing the bar wasn't that busy since it was a Sunday afternoon, "I'm really not supposed too but..." she bit her lip, "Why not?" She quickly grabbed one of the shot glasses and put it to her lips, tilting it back, and letting the burning liquid slide down her throat.

One thing led to another and we ended up in my hotel room...

//AN: This was the prologue. The other chapters will be much longer.

His Unexpected Baby //Mikey Way//Where stories live. Discover now