Chapter One: Testing Positive!

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//Athena's POV//

~~Four Weeks Later~~

I look down at the positive sign, my eyes wide with terror. How could this happen?! I always use protection!

Wait... I start to remember everything that happened that night I got wasted and woke up in a hotel room with Mikey Way. I left before he woke up but... he was drunk too. What if we didn't use protection? That was only four weeks ago... This baby could be his! No, this baby is his! I haven't had sex since and the last person I slept with before him was a month earlier.

Oh shit. I really fucked up. I can't just track him down and tell him that I'm pregnant with his child. I'll sound crazy! Especially, if he denies he ever slept with me. Plus, that would probably ruin his career! I don't want to do that either.

My brother is going to kill me but I need to tell him. Better now than never, right..?

I pick up my phone and dial him. It rings four times before he finally picks up.

"Sup' Athena?" I hear his voice from the other end of the line.

"Jordan... Please don't be mad at me.."

"What on earth did you do now?" He groans quietly.


"Tell me. Now."

"I-I'm p-pregnant..." I whisper so quietly it's barely audible. I feel like my heart is about to pound out of my chest, "H-Hello?" I mumble into the phone when I don't get a response.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, ATHENA?!" He suddenly snaps, yelling into the phone and making me jump.

"Uh... No..?.." I'm still speaking extremely quietly. I hear him mumble profanities to himself.

"Who's the father?" He asks. I don't answer and he asks again, in a more harsh tone, "Who. Is. The. Father?!"

"Mikey Way..." I mutter.

"Stop it. I'm serious. Who's the father?" He grumbles. He was a huge My Chemical Romance fan. He got me into them right after they started to get popular.

"I'm serious too," I sigh.

"Athena Quinn Mackenzie! You really fucked up this time!" He pauses, "I'll be over in ten minutes," he tells me before hanging up the phone.

He's really mad, isn't he? I mean, I don't blame him. I can't take care of myself, let alone a child. He pays my rent. That's right! I can't even pay my own rent!

Only five minutes later, I hear a knock at my door. He must've sped here... I open the door and as expected, I see an angry yet anxious Jordan staring me down. Being he's Jordan and I haven't seen him this worked up in years, he pushes past me, walking into my very small kitchen.

"Jordan?" I follow him. He's dumping every ounce of alcohol I have down the drain, "Hey! That stuff is expensive, y'know?!" I yell and try to stop him but to be frank, I'm a petite girl and he's 6"3 and goes to the gym every day.

"Are you kidding me? You're pregnant! You can't be drinking this stuff!" I open my mouth to respond but quickly snap it shut; he's right. I can't drink, smoke, or snort cocaine, can I?

Most people in my situation would get an abortion or something but I would never be able to do that. I'd be too guilty. Trust me, it has nothing to do with politics, feminism, or any of that jazz. I just don't like the thought of it.

He ran to the bathroom and I just sat there. I knew what he was doing... Let's not get into that. Soon, he came back and looked intently at me.

"You have to tell him," he randomly says, causing my heart to race at the thought.

"Mikey? Hell no!" I reply. He doesn't actually think that'll happen, does he?

"He's the father! He needs to know!"

"Do you know what I'd be getting myself into if I just walked up to him and said, 'Hey, I don't know if you remember me but we had a one night stand and now I'm pregnant with your child. Wanna go out to lunch?'" He faltered for a moment once he FINALLY saw my problem. Well, one of them. Clearly, I have a lot.

"I see your point but... you will have to tell him eventually, got it?" He ran a hand through his short brown hair as I hesitantly nodded my head.

An: Hey! Well, this is still really short. My goal is about five pages per chapter and this is only two but that'll do for now, right? Hope you guys aren't mad! I'm sorry! Anyway, bye loves. Sorry again :(

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