Green Lanterns

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Two green lights darted across the dark vacuum of space, homing in on an asteroid field at the edge of a distant dying system. Both beings came to a halt, their rings still projecting a protective aura over each respectively. The duo consisted of a woman and man, both had a warm skin tone of brown; Simon Baz was of middle eastern descent, Jessica Cruz of hispanic roots. They both were young, a pair of fresh faces who were only recently thrown into this life. At the behest of Batman and Superman they were to undergo a series of exercises and assignments to further their ability to replace the former Green Lantern of Earth. What was once a healthy system consisting of one habitable planet was now in decline, the lives of the aforementioned were on the shoulders of the Lanterns.

Baz folded his arms, examining the rampant debris of displaced rock that drifted aimlessly about. "This entire system is just one planet, a sun and a plethora of asteroids?"

Jessica moved through the field hesitantly, trying her best to emerge unscathed. "Well.. it is now."

Upon crossing the asteroid field they discovered several devastated now dead planets and the decaying one they were tasked with defending.

Cruz pointed out the planet, turning back to face Simon. "Look, there's ours!"

The male Lantern squinted his eyes, barely able to discern the living planet from an asteroid. "Don't sound too excited.. looks like it won't be anything for much longer."

She folded her arms across one another before doing the same with her legs, hovering in place. "So begins the waiting game.."

"Shouldn't we.. investigate on the surface..?" Baz's brow furrowed, uncertain about their so called plan of action.

"Did you even hear a word of what that bat guy said? Don't just sit there, serious question." Jessica scowled her partner playfully.

"Honestly..? I try to not put a lot of stock in a guy who came to work dressed as his fursona says."

The brunette scoffed before retorting, "So says the grown man wearing his pajamas." Jessica held her hand up her mouth, speaking into it clearly. "Ring, playback the mission assignment for Baaz, he's hard of hearing."

"As you wish, Jessica, I'll commence playback several decibels higher to accommodate, Mr. Baz"


Suddenly Jessica's eyes peeled open, her ring vibrating violently. Her head examined the surroundings, trying to recollect the last few moments that passed in her "absence."

"What happened, where am I?!"

"You blacked out momentarily, Jessica. The culprit has engaged both you and Mr. Baz."

Her heart pounded in her chest, skin moist with perspiration as blood rushed through every vein. She bundled up, trying to fight back the waves of anxiety that snuck their way into her mind.

"This.. this doesn't define me. I'm more.." She whispered to herself, reassuring herself with the same phrases like a mantra.

"Simon..!" Her eyes fixated on the man above, currently battling a man donning a star shaped mask. "I'm of no use.. Again." Stomach sunk hopelessness taking its place in her gut.

Her ring vibrated but it was to no avail, her mind was elsewhere, presumably away from the high tension battle it wanted to so desperately escape. Suddenly a word came mind, an image really: Stars. The systems dying, the planets, his outfit; that was the answer.

Baz glanced downward, his ears hearing a loud shrill that belonged only to his partner. The woman soared upward, body covered in a fiery aura of green energy with a massive axe in tow. "Simon, clouds! As big as you can!"

Without question he did as she asked, his faith absolute in the woman paired to share his power. With arms outstretched a barrier of green dust encapsulated the trio, blocking all forms of light that did not emit from their own selves.

The evil star panicked, his power diminishing with each passing second he remained cut off from light. "I will not be sent back to that wretched place, Lanterns!" Clasping both hands together, He mounted every last ounce of energy for one final effort.

"Jessica, let's give him a classic!"

She nodded her head, proudly taking her place next to him. "Together."

Baz smirked, proud to see her fears conquered in this moment. "Together."

Their fists lined up next to one another, focused forward on the man who called himself Evil Star.

"In brightest day, in blackest night,

No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil's might

Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!"

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